- Falun Gong is an evil cult that has developed in some regions in China in recent years. 据了解,“法轮功”是近年来在中国一些地方发展起来的邪教组织。
- The People's Daily carried an article entitled Falun Gong Is a Cult, which systematically exposes the essential features and dangerous effects of Falun Gong as a cult. 《人民日报》发表了《“法轮功”就是邪教》的文章,对“法轮功”的邪教本质、特征和危害进行了系统的揭露。
- The People's Daily carried an article entitled Falun Gong Is a Cult,which systematically exposes the essential features and dangerous effects of Falun Gong as a cult. 《人民日报》发表了《“法轮功”就是邪教》的文章,对“法轮功”的邪教本质、特征和危害进行了系统的揭露。
- "The United States government has gone so far to provide refuge and support to an evil cult by allowing "Falun Gong"to establish its headquarters in the United States. " 甚至允许"法轮功"邪教组织将总部设在美国,提供庇护和支持。
- Moreover,Li Hongzhi has made a fortune out of Falun Gong illegally. Most of his ill-gotten wealth has evaded tax. 另外,李洪志还利用“法轮功”非法敛取大量不义之财,这些收入大部分没有纳税。
- In 2036 Soma Cruz is trying to prevent the evil cult of Sorrow resurrect their dark ruler and lord. 在2036年索玛克鲁斯试图阻止邪教复活他们的黑暗统治和主。
- Moreover, Li Hongzhi has made a fortune out of Falun Gong illegally. Most of his ill-gotten wealth has evaded tax. 另外,李洪志还利用“法轮功”非法敛取大量不义之财,这些收入大部分没有纳税。
- He set up all the overseas tutoring stations of Falun Gong and managed to have Research Society of Falun Dafa successfully registered. 他亲自操办了李洪志在海外各辅导站的组建及大法研究会的注册;
- Bent on destroying the evil cult of the Triune, Uldyssian does not yet suspect that Inarius -- secret Prophet of the Cathedral of Light -- has been subtly aiding his quest. 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?这些都是很值得大家共同深究的问题。
- He Zuoxiu: To eradicate the baneful influences of Falun Gong and other cults, we should first get rid of the bases on which Falun Gong can develop speedily. 何祚庥:不敢当,不敢当,不能这么说。
- Li has said that medicine is a dirty thing and that a pious follower of Falun Gong never falls ill. He has claimed that the power achieved by practicing Falun Gong can automatically eliminate viruses and karma. 李洪志说,“药是肮脏的东西”,“一个真正练功的人不得脖,“练功的人的功自动就在消灭病毒和业力。
- After the relevant departments in China made public that the practice of Falun Gong had led to more than 1,400 deaths,Li,who is residing abroad,has repeatedly denied that he has instructed his followers not to take any medicine or medication. 当我国有关部门公布了修炼“法轮功”已导致1400多人死亡之后,李洪志又在境外一再抵赖说,他没有让练功者不就医、不吃药。
- After the relevant departments in China made public that the practice of Falun Gong had led to more than 1,400 deaths, Li, who is residing abroad, has repeatedly denied that he has instructed his followers not to take any medicine or medication. 当我国有关部门公布了修炼“法轮功”已导致1400多人死亡之后,李洪志又在境外一再抵赖说,他没有让练功者不就医、不吃药。
- If you don't support their bid to gatecrash the Santa Parade, you are a puppet of the Chinese Government, and as good as condoning the torture and killing of Falun Gong members in China. 但是,这些活动与圣诞游行的主旨格格不入。
- A woman member of the orgiastic cult of Dionysus. 参加狄俄尼索斯酒神节狂欢的女人
- Order to spread the cult of Krsna consciousness. 为了传播奎师那知觉,传教士有时需要冒险。
- Zoroaster retained the ancient cult of fire. 琐罗亚斯德仍然保留着古老的火的祭礼。
- The cult of the Virgin Mary was extremely popular. 对圣母马利亚的膜拜当时非常流行。
- Former practitioners condemn Falun Gong. 前法轮功练习者谴责法轮功。
- What has the Cult of Baltar been trading for food? 波塔尔的信徒们用什么交换食物?