- Investors must wrestle with internal demons to time the market right. 投资者必须战胜自我,克服个人陋习,抓住市场机会。
- Tim refused to invest in the stock market right before it shot up. 蒂姆不愿在股市上涨以前投资。
- He exercised his option to acquire sole marketing rights to the product. 他行使了获得这项产品的独家销售的选择权。
- He exercise his option or he take up his option to acquire sole marketing rights to the product. 他行使了购买独家销售该产品权利的选择权。
- He exercised his option or he took up his option to acquire sole marketing rights to the product. 他行使了获得这项产品的独家销售的选择权。
- Glaxo said it has bought the marketing rights toj the drug Mevacor from Merck &Co.; the price wasn't disclosed. 葛兰素表示已经从默克手中买下洛伐他汀药品的市场开发权,但没有披露价格。
- Glaxo said it has bought the marketing rights to the drug Mevacor from Merck &Co.; the pricefwasn't disclosed. 葛兰素表示已经从默克手中买下洛伐他汀药品的市场开发权,但没有披露价格。
- Glaxo said it has bought the marketing rights to the drug Mevacor from Merck &Marketing o.; the prici wasn't disclosed. 葛兰素表示已经从默克手中买下洛伐他汀药品的市场开发权,但没有披露价格。
- Glaxo said it has bought the marketing rights to the drug Mevacor from Merck &Co.; the price wasn't disclosed. 葛兰素表示已经从默克手中买下洛伐他汀药品的市场开发权,但没有披露价格。
- And the most basic right structure is equity structure and the relation between the residual claim and the residual rights of control (marketing rights). 而最基本的权利结构是股权结构,以及剩余索取权与剩余控制权(经营权)之间的产权关系。
- I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have an apartment to sell. 我想知道现时住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售。
- It's no good going to the market right now. It's too late and it will be closed. 现在去超市没用了,太晚了,马上要关门了。
- Marvin: What's the fastest computer on the market right now? I want to get something that really 2)screams. 马文:市面上目前哪种电脑跑得最快?我想要那种真的会令人尖叫。
- If your customers like citrus, they'll love the blood oranges that are in the market right now. 如果您的客人喜欢吃橙子,那他们一定会喜欢现在市场上出售的这种血橙。
- The matter will be given our exclusive attention. 此事将引起我们的全部关注。
- I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I want to buy an apartment in your project. 我想了解一下住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想买一套你们的房子。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。
- Don't worry, sir. I think it's a seller's market right now. Let me get down some information about your apartment first. What is your property's address? 先生,不用担心,现在是卖方市场。让我先记录一些关于你的房子的资料。请问你的房子在哪里?
- The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals. 饭店每天收费二十元,不包括用餐。
- This is an exclusive white residential area. 这是一个纯粹的白人居住区。