- Jiangsu Jinyue Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. 江苏今越实业投资有限公司。
- Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co. 渤海产业投资基金管理公司。
- Shanghai Industrial Investment Holdings Co. 投资方包括上海政府所属上海工业投资有限公司。
- The new tax concessions are intended to encourage Industrial investment and will have no direst effect on the man in the street. 新税收特许目的在于鼓励对工业投资,对普通老百姓没有什么直接的影响。
- The High-tech Zone is an attractive place for industrial investment. 高新区是工业的聚集地。
- China Hi-Tech Industry Investment Management Co. 中国高新技术产业投资管理有限公司。
- Anhui High Technology Industry Investment Co., Ltd. 安微省科技产业投资有限公司。
- Industrial investments form an important part of state expenditure. 工业投资是国家开支的一个重要组成部分。
- ShanXi Provincial Hi-tech Industry Investment Co., Ltd. 陕西省高新技术产业投资有限公司。
- July, TMT industry investment of more than non-TMT industry. 7月份,TMT行业投资金额超过非TMT行业。
- Heyward talked for another thirty minutes on his theme of expanded industrial lending against a contraction in community commitments. 海沃德就扩大工业贷款同时削减社会义务的题目又讲了30分钟。
- As investors hurry to convert their holdings from real assets to more profitable cash, commodities tumble and new industrial investment shrinks. 随着投资者统统把他们的资产从不动产匆忙转换成更能获利的现金,商品价格下跌,新的工业投资缩减。
- In its statement, GM said it had also “agreed to continue details talks” with RHJ International, the Brussels-listed industrial investment group. 通用汽车在其声明中表示,该公司也已同意与在布鲁塞尔上市的产业投资集团RHJ国际“继续商谈细节”。
- To analyze the industrial investment value of listed company scientifically, the method of constitutive relation is proposed in this paper. 为了全面而又科学地对上市公司行业投资价值做出分析,文章提出了"本构关系"方法。
- The main features of Shenzhen hi-tech industrial development 1) Expanding industrial scale with market as the orientation. 深圳高新技术产业发展的主要特点 1、以市场为导向,以产业化为重点,初步形成了产业规模。
- The company is eager to expand into new markets. 那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。
- Also, Shanghai Industrial Investment Corporation signed off on a giant development project in St.Petersburg, Russia's second largest city. 另外,上海实业(集团)有限公司也正式签署了在俄罗斯第二大城市圣彼得堡搞一个大开发项目的协议。
- Nitidine full paper industry investment seemed a bit "short to avoid long-yang. 两面针全力投资造纸行业显得有点“扬短避长”。
- Remanufacture is a new and expanding industrial field abroad and is a green technology with high quality, high efficiency and less pollution, so it is called green remanufacture. 再制造是国外新兴的产业领域,是具有重大实用价值和优质、高效、少污染的绿色技术,因此也称其为绿色再制造。