- He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father' s wishes. 他认为实现父亲的遗愿是神圣的义务。
- A subscriber' s line connected to an exchange other than the one that would normally provide service at the relevant address, usually in accordance with the subscriber' s wishes. 一种连接到交换机的客户线路,这种交换机不是通常按照客户希望在相关通信处提供服务的交换机。
- It is Kylin TV's wish to contribute to the work of spreading traditional Chinese culture around the world. 麒麟电视希望在弘扬中华文化上尽一些绵薄之力。”
- Because of her mother’s wish, seeing her daughter’s marriage before she dies, she joins her cousin’s remarriage company as a member. 自己都没有结婚,就连恋爱都失败的少女,竟然走进了再婚的世界。
- Especially for the story that grandma who is very poor, but she pawned her precious gift from her loved one just to satisfy her granddaughter’s wish. 特别是捉襟见肘的婆婆为满足孙女的愿望费尽周折,甚至不惜当掉自己定情物的感人情节,让不少观众感动的流下眼泪。
- Armani’s Aviator series sunglasses and Emporio Armani Sunglasses are in every fashion affectionate people’s wish list of fashion accessories. 宋襄公首先说:“诸侯都来了,我们会合于此,是仿效齐桓公的做法,订立盟约,共同协助王室,停止相互间的战争,以定天下太平,各位认为如何?
- I am excited about the vision of Tahitian Noni International and the company’s wish to inspire others to make their dreams come true. 大溪地诺丽果汁已成为我平常保养过程中的重要角色" 布鲁斯说:"它提升我的免疫系统,帮助我在大量训练及比赛后的恢复,并且改善我的体力和体能表现。
- Be what one would expect to happen or expect sb to do 不出所料,料到某人要做某事
- Since Master Faun start to write Buddhism and related books, people start to diversify their interest in his Super Vision Power and I believe that is not Master Faun’s wish. 此事属实>否?因为有人提起冯冯的这个预言,并曲解为香港独立运动的预言凭据之一。>现在小弟认为冯冯是预言香港的两次七一大游行,都在五十万至一百万之间。
- The designer’s wish was to create a living experience that fully mingles the interior and exterior.Nature saturates into the living fabric and becomes part of life. 设计师希望从大宅内部营塑自然况味与园区浓绿景色作呼应,构成室内外景致相互套叠,与自然相拥的诗情画意。
- The only other official comment, from the Foreign Ministry, offered the barest confirmation and repeated stock positions about China’s wish to keep space free of weapons. 在此之前,中国外交部在官方评论中只证实了那次试验,并重申中国希望禁止在外太空部署武器。
- It was the RACC's wish to bring F1 back to Spain's spiritual home of motorsport on a permanent basis and the Circuit de Catalunya has hosted every Spanish GP since it was completed in 1991. 本田车手鲁本斯巴里切罗连续第二次获得积分,而另一位车手简森巴顿却因引擎故障而退赛,而此前巴顿的位置也非常好,很有可能取得积分。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- But the leader of Democratic Party and Progressive Party colluded with Yuan Shikai in order to suppress Kuomintang and jeopardize democratic procedure, which dashed Sun Hongyi"s wish. 但民主党与进步党党首梁启超等为对抗国民党不惜与袁世凯勾结,破坏民主宪政程序,使孙洪伊的愿望破灭。
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?
- I can't expect help from the idler. 我不能指望那个懒惰者的帮忙。
- He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- blook to sb for sth; blook to sb to do sthbrely on or expect sb to provide sth or do sth 依赖或指望某人提供或做某事物
- I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse. 我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。