- It is a very difficult problem of overbreak in tunnel excavation. 超欠挖一直是隧道开挖中遇到的一大难题。
- exploratory tunnel drilling method 勘探坑道掘进方法
- horizontal exploratory tunnel supporting 勘探水平坑道支护
- Baziling Forked Tunnel Excavating Method 八字岭分岔隧道开挖方法
- ventilation and drainage of exploratory tunnel 坑探勘探坑道通风排水
- Combining with a tunnel construction case,an ordinary method of ascertaining Optimum hole depths in small exploration tunnel drivage is discussed. 结合一坑道施工实例,论述了小型探矿坑道确定最优炮眼深度的一般方法。
- In this PaPer,a digital simulation was made to the temPerature distribution and variation in country rocks of tunnel excavated 20 years ago. 本文对井巷开掘后20年内,围岩中温度分布及其变化情况进行了数值模拟。
- The tunnel excavation mechanics behavior of the banding rocks was simulated by the ANSYS general finite element computation software. 并用ANSYS通用有限元计算软件对层状岩体中隧道开挖的力学行为进行了数值模拟。
- Methods of tunnel excavation in unconsolidated formations and the collapse zone treatment are intro-duced according to the formation properties fo exit section of Yangzong No. 针对阳宗海一号隧道出口段的地层特点,介绍了在松散土体地层中遂道施工方法的选择及在施工中出现坍塌的处理方法。
- The surface ground subsidence caused by tunnel excavation is a high nonlinear course of self-organization.It is formed by disordered rock mass self-organization. 摘要隧道开挖引起的地面沉陷是由于隧道开挖在地下形成空洞,受扰动岩体通过自组织在地面形成的一种损害形式,其形成过程具有高度非线性。
- Dynamic emulation analysis on tunnel excavating effect in high geo-stress zone 高地应力区隧洞开挖效应动态仿真分析
- They are excavating a tunnel through the hill. 他们在挖一条穿山隧道。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- A tool or machine used for digging or excavating. 挖掘器,挖掘机用于挖掘或采掘的工具或机器
- Due to the difference in stress paths between the loading and unloading conditions, it is unsuitable to apply mechanical model under loading condition to stability of tunnel excavation. 由于岩体在加载和卸载条件下应力路迳的不同,仅采用加载条件下所建立的力学模型来研究隧道的开挖稳定性问题是不适合的。
- Because of the weak borehole sealing and inadequate use of the initial free face, the higher investment and unsatisfactory blasting effect still exist in the mine tunnel excavation blasting. 由于炮孔堵塞不牢和初始自由面利用不充分,井下平巷的掘进开挖爆破仍存在投入大、爆破结果欠理想等问题。
- They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。
- In this paper, based on project excavation of the Wansongling tunnel, the monitoring way and controlling technology of vibration of blasting earthquake wave induced by tunnel excavation were studied. 以万松岭隧道工程开挖为研究对象,对隧道工程开挖施工爆破地震波的振动监测方法及控制技术进行了研究。
- In the river valley region,discal phenomena of drilling cores and laminated exfoliation of surrounding rock in the exploration tunnels are obvious. 河谷下切引起的应力集中是显著的 ,河谷地区许多构造形迹及地下工程中出现的若干围岩稳定问题都与此有关。
- The kid dug a tunnel in the sand. 小孩在沙堆里挖了一个地道。