- extragalactic cosmic ray 河外宇宙线
- Ordinary cosmic rays are puny things. 普通的太空射线都是微不足道的东西。
- Sometimes, cosmic rays affect the earth. 宇宙射线有时候也会对地球产生影响。
- Cosmic rays and X-rays produce energetic electrons by ionization. 宇宙射线和X射线因其电离作用产生高能电子。
- These cosmic rays, as they are called, consist mostly of protons. 这些被称为宇宙射线的物质主要是由质子组成的。
- The time jetter of the cosmic ray detecting system is 79.5 ps. 宇宙线测量系统的时间晃动为 79.;5ps
- From far out in space come other kinds of radiation know as cosmic rays . 从很远的太空来的其他射线称为宇宙射线。
- Conversely, when solar activity is less intense, more cosmic rays get through. 一项研究发现,当宇宙射线最弱和最强时,地球上空为云层所覆盖的区域比例分别是65%25和68%25。
- Special instruments for measuring cosmic rays are installed in the satellite. 卫星中装有测量宇宙射线用的特种仪器。
- We are perhaps ignorant of what the cosmic rays were like back around that time. 我们对当时的宇宙射线的情况也许还是一无所知。
- Cosmic rays and Geigertubes have been combined in a new altimeter to tell the pilots what their altitudes are. 宇宙线兴盖氏管已过连接成为一种新的高度计用来告诉飞行员他们的高度是多少。
- Another possible effect of discrete spacetime involves very high energy cosmic rays. 离散时空的另一个可能的效应,牵涉到极高能量的宇宙射线。
- Natural radiation in the environment comes from two sources: cosmic rays and radiation present in the earth crust. 环境中的天然辐射有两大来源:一个是宇宙射线,另一个是存在于地壳的辐射。
- Due to the shielding effect of the atmosphere, intensity of cosmic rays increases with altitude. 由于大气层有阻挡宇宙射线的作用,离地面越高,宇宙射线的强度就越强。
- Without a receptacle, these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion. 如果没有一个容器,这些创造性的宇宙射线将引起混乱和无秩序。
- These cause spallation when a cosmic ray (e.g. a proton) impacts with matter, including other cosmic rays. 当宇宙射线(主要是质子)撞击到物质,包括其他的宇宙射线,就会造成散裂。
- A small number of antiprotons constantly sleet down from space among cosmic rays. 而少量的反质子则是不断伴随著宇宙射线从太空洒落地球。
- Avoids the harmful cosmic rays and the micro spatial fragment injures the astronaut. 避免有害的宇宙射线和微空间碎片伤害宇航员。
- The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield. 创造性的宇宙射线通过最初的创造者发送而且最初的计划者通过这频率护罩渗透。
- These gamma rays arise when high-velocity particles called cosmic rays collide with gas atoms in the galaxy's disk. 这些伽马射线会在高速运动的宇宙射线与星系圆盘上的气体原子发生碰撞时产生出来。