- The flora and fauna native to a geographic area. 一地理区域所固有的动植物
- The combined flora and fauna of a region. 生物区系一地区混合的植物群与动物群
- He studies the flora and fauna of Africa. 他研究非洲的动植物群。
- You may call my facies whimsical. 你可以把我这些想法称为异想天开。
- Human beings make a strange fauna and flora. 人类是一些古怪的动植物。
- Fairy Fauna: Why, it's Maleficent! 佛那:啊!是马雷菲森!
- Its facies, structure and geneses are complicated. 其岩相、结构构造、成因复杂。
- The interpretation of this fauna is still in flux. 对这一生物群的解释仍处于不断变化之中。
- They belong to the amphibolite facies. 属于角闪岩相产物。
- A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna. 非常有毒的气体泄漏并影响到了动植物。
- The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。
- The autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo. 澳大利亚的本土动物包括袋鼠。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic. 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- Analysis of the fauna and fauna diversity was performed. 进而进行区系分析和多样性分析。
- The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies. 沉积岩为碎屑质,大部分属于杂质砂岩相。
- New species of flora and fauna continue to be discovered. 新的动植物物种不断被发现。
- The orebearing sequence is littoral-lagoon sedimentary facies. 层状、似层状铝土矿规模大、品位高,主要分布于豫西地区;
- Database of Taxonomic codes of the China fauna - Vertebrates. 中国动物分类代码-脊椎动物。
- Green is a low-level multi-amphibolite facies of the green. 绿岩多属低级角闪岩相到绿片岩相。
- Its rare and protected fauna species rank the 2nd nationwide. 珍稀动物保护资源居全国第2位。