- The colours fade into one another. 各种颜色退得分不清了。
- The colors fade into one another. 各种颜色消褪得认不清了。
- Her fantasy is to become invisible. 她的幻想是变成隐形人。
- As evening came the coastline faded into darkness. 夜晚来临,海岸线融入茫茫夜色中。
- The image through the camera began to fade into view. 照像机中的影像开始逐渐出现。
- Level 1- Become invisible for 15 seconds. Deals 30 backstab damage. 一级-30点的偷袭伤害,1秒的进入隐身时间。
- As evening came the mountains faded into darkness. 夜幕降临时,群山消失在黑暗之中。
- Level 2- Become invisible for 20 seconds. Deals 60 backstab damage. 二级-60点的偷袭伤害,0.;75秒的进入隐身时间。
- He can become invisible thanks to his cloaking ability. 他的隐匿能力能使他隐形。
- We strike hard, defend, protect, and fade into the night. 我们惩恶扬善、除暴安良、来去无踪。
- The gods, however, will not allow him to fade into obscurity. 然而诸神却不让他淡然退出。
- It is forgiveness that allows the grief to fade into the joy again. 就是宽恕让悲痛逐渐消失,再次成为欢乐。
- XI. Illusions Psionicist's are masters of illusions and can transform their appearance into other races and even make them and their group become invisible. 心灵术士可以改变自己的外形成为其他种族甚至能给全队群体隐身。
- In urban camouflages, man becomes invisible. 在城市迷彩中,人变得隐形。
- Burrow( Crypt Fiend/ Carrion Beetle)- Allows Crypt Fiends to burrow into the ground, become invisible, and regenerate hit points at a faster rate. While burrowed, Crypt Fiends cannot attack. 钻地(穴恶魔/尸甲虫)-地穴恶魔可以钻进地下;变成隐身状态;并且加快生命恢复速度.;当钻地时;地穴恶魔不能攻击
- As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 夜晚降临时; 海岸线在黑暗中逐渐消失了.
- Burrow (Crypt Fiend/Carrion Beetle) - Allows Crypt Fiends to burrow into the ground, become invisible, and regenerate hit points at a faster rate. While burrowed, Crypt Fiends cannot attack. 钻地(地穴恶魔/腐尸甲虫)-地穴恶魔可以钻进地下;变成隐身状态;并且加快生命恢复速度.;当钻地时;地穴恶魔不能攻击
- Therefore, your guides will be able to help you with nudges here and intuitive thoughts there so that you will be guided into what to do to become invisible or do any of these practices. 因此,你们的指导者将会在这里用轻推和在那里用直觉思维帮助你们,以便你们将被指引进入去实行成为不可见或者做任何这些实践。
- I melted him with a look,and he eased his hand from my purse to fade into the crowded car. 他被我的目光吓退,把手从我的钱包里缩了回去,消失在拥挤的车厢里。
- I don't need a cloak to become invisible, Now, can you think what the Mirror of Erised shows us all? 我可不是非要隐形衣才能隐形。那么,你能不能想一想,厄里斯魔镜使我们大家看到了什么呢?