- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- One happy blood donor and his family taking group photo with the organiser. 成功捐血者合家欢欣地与主办当局合照。
- And I also want to have this group photo enlarged. 史: 我还想放大这张集体照片。
- We have a group photo taken to mark the graduation. 我们照了一张集体相来纪念毕业。
- VIPs take a group photo in front of the A380. 参加欢迎仪式的嘉宾在A380飞机前合影.
- Letn's posebor Nude a group photo. 我们来摆好姿势合影一张。
- Can you distinguish me from the group photo? 你能在这张团体照中找出我来吗?
- Just try selecting yourself on a group photo! 刚刚尝试选择自己的一组照片!
- The picture above: Take a group photo with Zhou Zhuang's grandmas. 与周庄阿婆合影。
- The family grouped around the table. 家人聚集在桌子的周围。
- Visitors finish the tour and take group photo with the FEH. 结束参观并与奥比斯眼科飞机医院合影留念。
- Group Photo: Sir David Akers-Jones, Patron of HKRFP (middle), Prof. 协会赞助人逸杰爵士(中)、选举主席及前会长冼伟超教授(右)、副会长范维纲先生(左)。
- The family grouped themselves around the fire. 家人聚集在火炉旁。
- The family grouped together for the photograph. 全家聚集在一起照像。
- People do not all live in nuclear family groups. 不是所有的人都会组成三口之家生活。
- The graduates had a group photo taken as a memento before they left school. 这些毕业生在离校前集体合影留念。
- For more pics of A319 aircraft see the A320 Family group here at Flickr. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- Various family groupings help to unify the study of particles. 按族分类有助于统一研究粒子。
- A group photo of the three Lin sisters with their father, Lin Yu-t'ang. 林家三姊妹年轻时与父亲林语堂先生的合照。
- I passed the Harley guys, taking a group photo on the side of the road. 我通过了哈利球员,同时一组照片在路边。