- One in ten say they preferred their old brand of margarine. 有十分之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油。
- This man versified a famous old legend. 这人把一个著名的古老传说改写成了诗。
- The tour takes in some famous old castles. 这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。
- One in ten said they preferred their old brand of margarine. 有十分之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油.
- The famous old wine made from grapes is of world-class quality. 著名陈年葡萄酒,世界级品质。
- He preferred the products of old brand to the new flashy. 他宁可要老牌产品
- We obtained special permission to reproduce the famous old map in our magazine. 我们得到特别许可,可以把那张有名的早期地图复制在我们的杂志上。
- VALENTINO is the world's celebrated Italian dress old brand. VALENTINO是世界驰名的意大利服装大品牌。
- A famous old name on the firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality. 一个公司的老字号并不一定能保证其质量。
- "Net goods " let missish all the time old brand people also join in succession. “网货”让一直矜持的大品牌们也纷纷加入。
- One class jobber dials old brand directly, or pass on 2 class jobber. 一级批发商直接拨给大品牌,或者转手二级批发商。
- In Borneo Kuching City, the Century-old shop and old brand everywhere. 许多家族经营燕窝事业已历时三代。
- They have put their sons down for this famous old school as soon as they are born. 他们的儿子一出世,他们就为其登记,等候进入这所著名的老牌学校学习。
- EXAMPLE: The famous old passenger ship "Queen Mary" is now a floatel permanently docked in harbor near Los Angeles. 著名的老轮船“玛丽皇后”号如今成为了水上旅馆,永久停靠洛杉矶附近的海港里。
- The famous old plan of counting sheep jumping over a stile has never served my turn. 那个有名的数跳过篱笆墙台阶的山羊的老办法对我从来都不起作用。
- Haifeng Xian is the base of the 13 Red is one of the famous old foreign Soviet Area, known as "little Moscow," said. 海丰县是全国十三块红色根据地之一,是全国闻名的老外国苏区,素有“小莫斯科”之称。
- Can see, old brand is instant communication software still has an advantage in user stickiness respect. 可以看出,老牌即时通讯软件在用户黏性方面仍具优势。
- It was the Ivorian's first goal at Highbury and it came in the last European fixture ever to be played at the famous old stadium. 这是科特迪瓦人在海布里打入的第一个进球,而这个进球是在海布里的最后一场欧战中打入的。
- To the problem of fake, easy interest of company of old brand C2C also is having him unscramble. 对于假货的问题,老牌C2C企业易趣也有着自己的解读。
- Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel is nestled on the banks of the beautiful Daugava River and overlooks the famous Old City of Riga. 拉迪森SAS加瓦酒店是坐落在对银行的美丽的道加瓦河和忽略了著名的古城里加。这是一个一流的酒店,为您提供高水准的服务和良好的住宿。