- My father’s friend is very ebullient. 可事实上,学生是越禁越恋,且有蔓延之势。
- All David' s friends held him in high esteem. 大卫的朋友对他都很尊重。
- M.L.’ s friend would go to a school for white children only and M. 然而,与狱吏交好也非轻而易举之事,因为他们大都认为对黑人表示好感是不合常理的。
- Bulletins are announcements that go to everyone on a member’s friends’ list. 信息公告是一种通知函,会寄给每个在会员的亲友名单上的人。
- Sarah is Jane' s friend but she is jealous if Jane plays with other girls. 萨拉是简的朋友,但是如果简和别的女孩子一起玩时,她就很嫉妒。
- Thy friedn has a friend and thy friedn’s friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。
- Thy friend has a friend and thy friend‘s friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎留心 。
- Millie’s friends have a lot of presents for her, such as CDs, hair clips, chocolates, toys and comics. 米莉的朋友们送给她许多礼物,比如,光盘、发夹、巧克力、玩具以及卡通书。
- Just then, one of Bill‘s friends, yelled, “ Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver? 这时,比尔的一个朋友高声问道,“有人会海姆利克氏操作法吗?”
- The W+K III books are mailed out to W+K's friends last week. Wish you would like it. 第三本书已于上周奉送给W+K的各路好友。希望你们都能喜欢。
- One of Mom and Dad’s friends, Dr.Brauer, rescued some baby possums whose mother had been killed on the road. 父母的一位朋友,BRAUER 医生,救活了几只失去父母的幼鼠。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Gaga was very happy. He thanked the big bird and quickly went to play with hi s friends . 我就是我,每天都变化的我,怎么,交个朋友啊!
- He modeled himself on his father. 他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。
- M.L.'s friend would go to a school for white children only and M.L. was sent to a school for'black'children. 马丁的朋友上的是一所只收白人孩子的学校,而马丁被送到一所为“黑皮肤的”孩子开的学校。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- Henry hits up his father's friends for work. 亨利请求他父亲的朋友们介绍工作。
- M.L.' s friend would go to a school for white children only and M.L. was sent to a school for "black" children. 马丁的朋友上的是一所只收白人孩子的学校,而马丁被送到一所为“黑皮肤的”孩子开的学校。
- As a gag joke, she blindfolded her husband' s friend and drove him to her home for a party. (作为一个戏弄的玩笑,她把她老公的朋友蒙住眼睛,开车到她家参加宴会。