- The trees ask questions with their eyes,don't they?And you seem to see hundreds of tomorrows all in a line,the first big and clear,the others getting smaller.But they all look fierce and cruel. 这些树都长着眼睛;它们用眼睛问问题;是不是?你仿佛看见许许多多的明天全都排成一行.;最先的这个明天是最大、最清晰的;而后面的那些就变得越来越小了
- We condemn cruelty and cruel people. 我们谴责残忍行为和残忍的人。
- That big-bellied fellow was very greedy and cruel. 那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残忍。
- Others were fierce and ate mert. 并且吃了植物并且吃肉。
- The old cold and cruel class distinctions returned. 那古老的,冷酷而残忍的阶级差别就又复苏了。
- That potbellied guy is greedy and cruel. 那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残忍。
- Balboa had a reputation as a fierce and quarrelsome young man. 巴尔博亚是一位以勇猛和喜欢争吵闻名的年轻人。
- We condemn cruelty and cruel people . 我们谴责残忍行为和残忍的人。
- She felt ugly and harsh and cruel. 它感到这件事的丑陋、粗暴、及残酷。
- Waldner's attacking is rather fierce and his service is hidden. 瓦尔德内尔的进攻很凶狠,他的发球也很隐蔽。
- Competition for the best lawyers is fierce and poaching frequent. 争夺最佳律师的竞争是激烈的而且频繁地互相挖墙角。
- Therefore the fighting north of Caen was fierce and costly. 因此卡昂以北战斗激烈,损失惨重。
- At home he was churlish,parsimonious and cruel to his daughter. 在家里他对他那些女儿粗暴无礼且残忍。
- You love its potentials to startle and stone and stun you, and yes, it has already had the inclination but you are prepared for more, fiercer and crueler. 是的,你喜爱,你已经看出了那些可能,但你已准备好,尽管再来一些,更猛烈一些、更凶残一些。
- A cruel man and cruel fate intervene and change your life. 一个残酷的人和残酷的命运介入并改变了你的生活。
- The plague of locusts is fierce and is hard to control and eradicate. 这次蝗灾来势汹汹,治理起来难度很大!
- If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial. 若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!
- Inevitably you, so cool and cruel Never earlier, or Too late. 无缘的你啊,不是来得太早,就是
- The King is a mighty monarch but full of pride, harsh and cruel. 那个国王是个威势无比的君主而且十分傲慢,生性残暴,待人苛刻。
- Then even to those whom you feel are actively monstrous and cruel. 最后甚至扩及那些你觉得简直像怪物或残暴的人。