- Turkish forces are escalating their fight against Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq. They launched a deadly early morning air raid, targeting rebel positions near the border with Iran. 土耳其军队加强了对在伊拉克北部地区的库尔德族叛军的打击.;军队在清晨时对在伊拉克与伊朗边境处的叛军发动了一轮空袭
- We should fight a battle against air pollution. 我们应该打一场防止空气污染的"战争".
- We must fight against ignorance. 我们必须和无知作战。
- The children had to be got under the stairs whenever there was an air raid. 每当空袭就不得不把孩子们藏到楼梯底下。
- Many civilians were killed in the air raids on London. 在伦敦遭空袭时,有很多老百姓遇难。
- England and france fight against russia in the crimean war. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。
- Many civilians were killed in the air raid on London. 在伦敦遭空袭时,有很多老百姓遇难。
- We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice. 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志。
- Much of town was rubbed out in the air raids. 那城市有很大一部分在空袭中被炸毁了。
- He enlisted with the air force to fight against the enemy. 他应募加入空军对敌作战。
- We can annoy the enemy by air raids. 我们可以用空袭骚扰敌人。
- He joined the underground to fight against the fascists. 他参加了地下组织与法西斯作战。
- The air raids had surcharged the emergency wards. 空袭加强了紧急防卫。
- The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的抗斗已展开近两年了。
- Houses were blacked out during the air raid. 空袭时房屋实行灯火管制。
- The police will not relent in their fight against crime. 警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软。
- Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。
- We should protect a town from damage by air raids. 我们应该保护城市免受空袭破坏。
- We must all fight against cruelty and unfairness. 我们都应该反对残忍和不公平的事。
- The family was killed in an air raid. 这家人在一次空袭中遇难。