- When did the first generation computers become obsolete? 第一代电脑是什么时候淘汰的?
- It was copied from the first generation tape. 这是按原版磁带复制过来的。
- We will be the first generation to penetrate it. 我们将成为解开谜团的第一代人。
- Chinese are the first generation capitalists. 中国人还是第一代资本家。
- Spike work like the first generation! 与一代一样有钉钉扣!!
- The family was cursed from the first generation. 这个家族从第一代起就遭到诅咒。
- The first generation (G10) appeared in 1977. 第一代(G10)最早出现在1977年。
- General Bank has merged into Cathay Bank! 万通银行已与国泰银行正式合并!
- That was the first generation of collective leadership. 这就是我们党第一代的领导。
- The first generation comes from disease free nuclear seed. 第一代来自核病免费种子。
- But their design is derived from that of the first generation. 但是它们的设计可以追溯到第一代。
- What will life be like for the first generation of cloned children? 第一代被克隆的孩子会过着怎样的生活?
- The core of our first generation of collective leadership was Chairman Mao. 我们的第一代领导集体的核心是毛主席。
- "This is the first generation of people who have grown up with bad divorces. “这是第一代在成长过程中目睹了很多不幸婚姻的人。
- After the First World War, French economy fell into trouble, the price of franc devalued , the general bank' s loss in Paris was very huge because of the bad management, practice graft and the fail of speculation . The crisis was extremely urgent. 一战之后,法国经济陷入困境,法郎贬值,巴黎总行因经营管理不善、营私舞弊、投机失败及放款倒账等原因损失甚巨,危机迫在眉睫。
- I often hear we chinese call ourselves are the first generation immigrates. 很想听听卡拉的观点。这是第一代移民会面对的。
- This machine is new generation bank onte enlacing tools of 2008under many time's improvement,It adopst American microcomputer control cmos chip,it is a kind of mechantronics hi-tech product. 本机是经过多次研发改进的,是2008年最新一代的扎钞工具,它采用美国微芯公司生产的微电脑控制芯片,是机电一体化高新科技产品。
- For generations banking has ignored public problems. 几代人以来,银行界对社会问题一向熟视无睹。
- The TX-0 was the first general purpose transistorized computer. TX-0是麻省理工学院林肯实验室1956年研制出的全世界第一台晶体管电脑,它有着三大特点:用晶体管取代电子管,占用空间小(不过看上去仍然酷似发电厂的控制台);
- Burke defended prejudice on the grounds that it is "the general bank and capital of nations, and of ages" and superior to individual reason, which is small in comparison. 伯克这样为“先见(事前的判断)”辩护,称它是“所有国家,所有时代都通行的银行和资金”,高于一些特殊的局部的情况。