- The company looked at each other in consternation. 人们神色惊奇面面相觑。
- The proprietress panicked, gaping in consternation. 大娘弄慌了,把口张大合不拢去。
- She would get up and flee in silent terror. 她爬起来,在寂静的恐怖中逃循。
- They flee in flock in fall, leaving the empty city. 它们在秋天成群出逃,弃下空城。
- The criminal was tipped off to flee in time. 有人泄密给罪犯,使他及时逃走了。
- Milo sniffed in consternation twice, like a shaggy brown hare. 迈洛惊愕地倒吸了两口气,就象一只毛茸茸的棕色野兔一样。
- The enemy fled in disorder by night. 敌人趁黑夜狼狈溃逃。
- In consternation Tess jumped down, and discovered the dreadful truth. 苔丝大惊之下,跳下来一看,才发现了可怕的事实。
- The panic-stricken fled in all directions. 惊慌的人群向四面八方逃去。
- "The vampire shook his head in consternation, but his face was still serene. 吸血鬼惊恐地摇了摇头,然而他的脸色依旧非常平静。
- The virgins at sight of him fled in all directions. 少女们看到他都四处奔逃。
- The present look at each other in consternation after they heard the news. 听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑。
- The enemy troops fled in disarry. 敌军仓皇逃窜。
- The enemy fled in every direction. 敌人四处逃散。
- Office workers fled in panic as the fire took hold. 起火时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。
- The people fled in panic when the bull got loose. 逃出监狱,逃出牢笼。
- The enemy troops were fleeing in all directions. 敌军四散逃奔。
- "Kings and armies flee in haste; in the camps men divide the plunder. 统兵的君王逃跑了、逃跑了.在家等候的妇女、分受所夺的。
- The crowd in a panic fled in all directions. 仓皇的人群向四面逃去。
- The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder. 敌人被击败后仓皇而逃。