- I am frightened to fly a hot - air balloon. 我害怕乘坐热气球飞行。
- I am frightened to fly a hot - air balloon . 我害怕乘坐热气球飞行。
- The first person to circumnavigate the globe solo in a hot air balloon, Fossett is also considering flying a glider 3000 kilometers of distance over New Zealand in November. 佛塞特是独自驾驶热汽球环绕地球的世界第一人,也正考虑十一月在纽西兰以一架滑翔机飞过三千公里的距离。
- If I had a hot air balloon, I would fly around the world and see many wonderful places and things. 如果我有一个热气球,我要飞遍这个世界,去看许多奇妙的地方和事物。
- Do not you wish to make a flight in a hot air balloon. 你不希望乘热空汽球飞行吗。
- My dream is to voyage around the world in a hot air balloon. 我的梦想是乘着热气球周游世界。
- However, there is nothing more challenging to him than flying solo around the globe in a hot air balloon. 但对他来说,似乎没有什么比单人乘坐热气球环行地球更具有挑战性的了。
- Lovable bear sitting in a hot air balloon came to Egypt this very mysterious place. 可爱的小熊坐着热气球来到了埃及这个充满了神秘的地方。
- This is Fossett's sixth attempt of solocircumnavigation of the globe by means of a hot air balloon. 这是福斯特第六次借助热气球进行单人环球飞行的偿试。
- This is Fossett's sixth attempt of solo circumnavigation of the globe by means of a hot air balloon. 这是福斯特第六次借助热气球进行单人环球飞行的偿试。
- After the ceremony there were many activities and shows: 1. The Lion Dance. 2. The Chinese yo-yo. 3. A hot air balloon and glider demonstration. 升旗典礼完毕后,北市各地展开多项表演庆祝活动。图1:舞狮。图2:儿童耍扯铃。图3:热汽球及三角翼表演。
- Eccentric genius Dr.Yashi of Jumpa Car is back with a new adventure.Join him on his journey to become the first to circumnavigate the world on a hot air balloon. 快来和怪博士杨十一起新的冒险吧,你可以成为第一个乘坐热气球环游世界的人,你还可以在这个游戏中看到各地的美景。
- Go up in a hot air balloon. 在热气球里上升。跑一次长跑。
- Xinhua News Agency, Canberra, June 19 The US millionaire Steve Fossett started out on the 19th in western Australia and began another journey around the globe in a hot air balloon. 新华社堪培拉6月19日电 美国百万富翁史蒂夫·福斯特19日从澳大利亚西部出发,再次开始了他的热气球环球之旅。
- Making your own hot air balloon is easy and fun. 做一个自己专属的热气球既容易又有趣。
- Organize a hot air ballooning trip as a special surprise. Most trips begin with a glass of champagne before you float over the countryside with your partner. 将一次热气球旅行作为一个特别的惊喜。多数旅行开始时,打开一瓶香槟,之后,你两乘坐热气去飘过乡间。
- SHENZHEN HOT AIR BALLOON CLUB CO., LTD. 深圳市中航云中漫步热气球俱乐部有限公司。
- Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009. 来自世界各地的热气球来到布城.
- She had never learned to fly a kite. 她一直没有学会放风筝。
- I'm frightened to fly a hot-air balloon. 我害怕乘坐热汽球飞行。