- Fold over the right hand corner. 效果如图。
- The top and bottom can be folded over and stuck down. 顶部和底部可以折叠粘在一起。
- The man, arms folded over his chest, stood straight up like a statue of bronze. 这个人双手在胸前交叉,像一尊铜像站得很挺直。
- A flap of skin was cut from the forehead, and folded over the damaged nose. 从前额切下一块皮来,叠盖在毁损了的鼻子上。
- A dish consisting of beaten eggs cooked until set and folded over,often around a filling. 煎蛋饼将打匀的鸡蛋煎至凝固,折起来,并在里面塞入馅的一道菜肴
- Flap Broad piece that attached on one side and folded over for covering or protection. 付与一边而折向另一边做遮盖或保护用的阔幅。
- A dish consisting of beaten eggs cooked until set and folded over, often around a filling. 煎蛋饼将打匀的鸡蛋煎至凝固,折起来,并在里面塞入馅的一道菜肴
- I all over joint aches, especially what shoulder aches is fierce, be arthritis or is humeral week phlogistic augural ah? 我浑身关节疼,特别是肩膀疼的厉害,是不是关节炎或者肩周炎的前兆啊?
- The tiny clawlike hands folded over the fan were yellow and waxy as a dead person's. 不过我的确喜欢你处理事物的方法。对于你无能为力的事,即使你不赞成,也不大吵大闹。
- The Doric, of soft wool, was folded over at the top and held at the waist by a tied belt. “希玛申”是 ‘种长方形毛织物的围裹 形外衣,有时也可作为单穿的男装。而骑士、旅行者及士兵史喜欢穿围裹毛织物短外衣“克拉 米斯” .
- A player’s ball comes to rest in front of a divot which is folded over but not completely detached. 球员的球停在一块草皮的前面,该草皮已经皱成一团但并未完全脱离地面。
- The rubberized front/felt-backed storm flap behind it is folded over at the top to form a soft chin guard. 涂橡胶的前部/粘结的背部在顶部折叠起来,以保护下巴。
- Their advice: Place the fruit in a fruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. 他们的建议是:将水果放在水果碗或者顶部折叠的纸袋中。
- He had his raincoat folded over the back of his belt or wore it to help keep warm. 其人有一件雨披,折叠卷在后背腰带上,或者穿套身上以增加点热乎气儿。
- Th Doric, of soft wool, was folded over the at the top and held at the waist by a tied belt. 毛制多利克基同,上端折叠,腰部系带。
- Fishery registered the fastest growth, with its output value rising by 9.2 fold over the past 20 years. 渔业是发展最快的行业,20年产值实际增长了8.;2倍。
- These are gently folded over the central fitment so they are located within the remaining void areas of the pack without creasing. 这些都是轻轻地折叠在中央装修,所以他们设在剩下的空白地区的包不皱。
- Wirewound cellular-type filter, PP Meltblown filter, pyramid-style laminated filter, activated carbon filters, folded over Drum porous filter. 蜂房式线绕滤芯,PP熔喷滤芯,叠片式层压滤芯,活性碳滤芯,折叠筒式微孔过滤芯。
- Fishery registered the fastest growth,with its output value rising by 9.2 fold over the past 20 years. 渔业是发展最快的行业,20年产值实际增长了8.;2倍。
- When applying plaster over joints between walls or pillars, metal mesh must be used. 新墙与旧墙、柱子相交处做批荡时必须加网批荡,墙,柱联接处须设拉结筋