- One can never forget one's first love. 一个人的初恋是最难以忘怀的。
- One can forget one's love for a period even over a stubbed toe. 就连一只撞伤的脚趾头也能让人把爱情暂放一边。
- Trautman: You send that many, don't forget one thing. 特罗特曼:你派出那些人,别忘一件事。
- Most of Moore‘s childhood was spent in Ireland, where he was tutored locally. 莫尔童年时大部分时光都待在爱尔兰,并在当地接受教育。
- Trautman:You send that many, don&http://bbs.btwuji.com/#39;t forget one thing. 特罗特曼:你派出那些人,别忘一件事。
- Meanwhile, Mei s childhood friend, Shibata Kento, attends a butler school in order to protect her. 而荣仓奈奈和水岛宏都是时下当红的年轻演员,到底他们扮演的小姐和管家会擦出怎样的火花呢?
- This book depicts the hardship that the McCourts suffered in Frank McCourt’s childhood. 这部描述作者本人童年生活的作品一举摘得1997年普利策文学奖的桂冠。
- Catherine: Suzon, I forgot one thing. 凯瑟琳:苏珍,我忘了一件事情。
- Stay! You've forgotten one thing. 等一下!你忘了一件事。
- Being away from her parents, Karol’s childhood was miserable.But the adverse environment shaped her with submissive disposition. 远离父母的洛可可有着乏味而痛苦的童年,在逆境成长的她磨砺出了平和的心态。
- But he forgot one thing: his Santa pants. 但是他忘了一件事情:他的圣诞老人的裤子。
- A film based on Louis Malle"s childhood memory, Au Revoir Les Enfants takes place in 1944 in a Catholic boarding school in Nazi-occupied France. 二战时期在法国的一间天主教学校,看似与世无争,实质隐藏秘密。
- Never, never forget one thing. The girl you marry, and the woman you must make a life with, are two different people. 千万不要忘记这样一个真理:你要与之结婚的姑娘和你必须与之共同生活的女人,是两个完全不同的人。
- Mirroni warps his target's mind temporarily. The target will forget one of his urge and become confused. 米罗尼暂时扭曲他的目标的心灵。目标单位将会忘记他的一项本能并被困惑。
- Love is a silly thing. Why do I still obsessed! People forget one thing quickly. Why do I still retain your shadow! 爱一个人是很傻的事。为什么我却依然执迷不悟!忘一个人是很快的事。为什么我却还保留你的影子!
- Do not forget one people from the ability secular but changing , hower being than. 等待不是为了尔能回来而是给自己找借口卜离开。
- The old temple, “Dingguang Nunnery”, which has a close relation to Shi Lang’s childhood is said to be built in the reign of Zhide of the Tang Dynasty and has a history of over 1200 years. 而与施琅孩提时代相关的古寺定光庵,据传始建于唐至德年间,距今已有1200多年。
- First. Will Teasle Don MacKay. Preston. Teasle: Now don't give me any of that. You send that many, don't forget one thing. 特罗特曼:你派出那些人,别忘一件事。
- I'll never forget one lady, who looked to be in her seventies, sitting stoically in her lawn chair with her shotgun across her lap. 我永远不会忘记一位女士,看上去有70多岁,表情坦然地坐在她家的草坪座椅上,在坐着的大腿上横放着一枝猎枪。
- They had forgotten one another's (not one anothers' ) names. 他们忘记了对方的(不是one anothers')姓名。