- Stand forth to denounce corruption 大胆地站出来谴责贪污腐败现象
- His first impulse was to denounce them. 他的最先的冲动就是谴责他们。
- Later, because want to denounce revolt. 后来声讨是因为想反抗。
- The counselor bounced up to denounce discount. 顾问上升蹦跳指责折扣。
- The cou elor bounced up to denounce discount. 顾问上升蹦跳指责折扣。
- He wanted to know in what forum to surface his plan. 他希望知道他的这个计划应在哪一种会谈中拿出来。
- People deserve to a forum to share their dreams with others. 人们可以到论坛上与别人分享自己的梦想。
- It is more honest, and will in the long run be more effective, to denounce the arrival of the corrupt autocracy that Operation Successor has announced so starkly. 对这个明目张胆的进行“内定继任者”的腐败的独裁政府进行公开指责更加正确,而且到最后也会更有效。
- A useful device might be a forum to discuss such issues. 设立讨论这些问题的某种论坛也许是一项有益的方法。
- He had thought to denounce or even assault this man. 他本来想要申斥,甚至痛打这个人一顿。
- Join the Tech FAQ Forum to discuss What is single mode fiber? 参加论坛讨论技常单模光纤是。单模光纤缺点。
- If you like, you can set a forum to prune itself automatically. 你可以设定版面自动删除文章。
- to denounce a politician as morally corrupt 指责一政客道德败坏
- Efforts from everyone accelerated the Badashanren forum to be well known. 各位的努力加速了山人论坛广为知晓。
- We ll use a simple example of a Web forum to show off the significant features. 我们将以一个简单的Web论坛为例,向您展示最重要的特性。
- Join the Tech FAQ Forum to discuss How does a rear projection TV work? 参加论坛讨论技常背投电视如何工作?。三星背投电视机。
- Search the forum to see if the question has already been asked and answered. 搜索论坛以查看该问题是否已提出或回答过。
- Administrator and moderators forum to discuss local affairs. Do not non-Jin. 管理员和版主们讨论论坛事务的地方;非请勿进.
- Comrade Mao Tse-tung delivered this speech at a mass rally in Yenan to denounce Wang Ching-wei. 这是毛泽东在延安民众讨汪大会上所作的讲演。