- Keep walking man only ticket, road to change, so that we can see ticket distant scenery. My heart is free flowing streams glide forward forever. 不停走男人只是车票,路就需要不停换车票,这样才能看到远方的风景。我的内心是自由流淌的溪水,汩汩向前永远不停。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- A flowing stream inarms a boulder in its passing. 流水围绕大石流过去。
- My innermost feelings are the free flow mountain stream, never stops to front ! 我的内心是自由流淌的溪水,汩汩向前永远不停.
- The new road system permit the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- The flowing stream sounds like a piece of beautiful music. 潺潺流淌的小溪听起来相一支优美的曲子。
- The distance quietly flowing stream, like a white ribbon. 远处小河静静地流着,象一条白色的带子。
- He has free flowing swinging movements. 他有着自然流畅地摆荡动作。
- And worse,it choked off the free flow of ideas. 更糟糕的是,它扼杀了观念的自由传播。
- And worse, it choked off the free flow of ideas. 更糟糕的是,它扼杀了观念的自由传播。
- With the free flow of funds, foreign businessmen will invest there. 只要资金可以自由出入,外商就会来投资。
- It can monitor the instantaneous velocities at specified points in a flowing stream. 它能在流动的流注中的指定点上监测瞬时速度。
- With the free flow of funds,foreign businessmen will invest there. 只要资金可以自由出入,外商就会来投资。
- Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine. 要确保机器周围空气畅通。
- The first day shift, converging from all parts of the city, was arriving in a swiftly flowing stream. 来自全市四面八方的第一班的日班工人正川流不息地到来。
- Shall China Allow Free Flow of International Capital? 中国应否允许国际资本自由流动?
- Jing Ximeng has disobeyed since parting, the small bridge over the flowing stream carp is fat. 别后锦里梦已违,小桥流水鲫鱼肥。
- RMB 88 net including free flow soft drinks and local beer. 晚餐每位88元净价包括无限量软饮和本地啤酒。
- The companies she had were the steep cliffs, the gently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind. 壁立的岩石;静静流着的小河;风过处便窃窃私语的树林;都成为了她的亲密邻居.