- The male gamete could not unite with the female. 雄配子不能与雌配子结合。
- A male gamete produced by an antheridium. 游动精子孢子囊产生的雄蕊
- The female reproductive cell or gamete of animals; egg. 卵细胞雌性再生细胞或动物的配子;卵
- The apomixes approach of undiffused gamete is the first report. 后一种单性生殖发育方式为首次报道。
- The female reproductive cell or gamete of animals;egg. 卵细胞雌性再生细胞或动物的配子;卵
- A gamete that has the same size and structure as the one with which it unites. 同形配子和与之相连的另一配子大小和结构相同的配子
- The effect of gamete treatment was similiar to that of zygote treatment. 配子处理消除了嵌合体,其诱变效果与合子处理相近。
- The other male gamete fuses with the secondary nucleus, forming the primary endosperm nucleus. 另一个雄配子和次生核结合形成初生胚乳核。
- Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues, or it may be the result of faulty meiosis. 这样的配子可能是通过四倍体组织或者是错误的减数分裂产生的。
- Antherozoid (spermatozoid) The male gamete of algae, some gymnosperms, and the non-seed-bearing plants. 游动精子:藻类,某些裸子植物和没有种子形成的植物中的雄性配子。
- A large nonmotile female gamete or egg cell,formed in an oogonium and ready for fertilization. 卵球一种不活跃的大雌配子或卵细胞,形成于卵巢中并在那里准备受精
- Fertilization (syngamy) The fusion of a male gamete with a female gamete to form a zygote, the essential process of sexual reproduction. 受精(有性生殖):一个雌配子和一个雄配子融合形成一个合子,是有性生殖的基础。
- It is a multicultural flask-shaped structure made up of a narrow neck and a swollen base (venter) that contains the female gamete. 颈卵器状似长颈烧瓶,由一条细长的颈部和膨大的腹部(内含雌性配子)组成。
- A gamete containing a diploid number of chromosomes, rather than the usual haploid number. 2一个包含二倍体数目染色体而不是通常单倍体数目染色体的配子。
- The nonlinear finite element dynamic simulation model for an oscillation mechanism with 4 eccentric axis for continuous casting machine is established by means of the theory of kineto elastodynamics. 根据运动弹性动力学的理论方法,建立了连铸机四偏心式振动机构非线性有限元动力学仿真模型。
- He says there has to be evidence for state of sustained community transmition transmission of the virus in a country , in a region outside the North America for face phase 6 chicken gameto kick in. 他表示要将警戒等级提高到最高的6级,还需在北美之外其他地区的某一国有持续病毒传播的证据。
- A haploid cell that results from the meiotic division of an oocyte and becomes a female gamete or an ovum. 卵(子)细胞由于卵母细胞减数分裂产生而后形成配子或卵细胞的单倍体细胞
- A large nonmotile female gamete or egg cell, formed in an oogonium and ready for fertilization. 卵球一种不活跃的大雌配子或卵细胞,形成于卵巢中并在那里准备受精
- Gamete fertility and morphological variations in offsprings of triploidclones Populus tomentosa. 三倍体毛白杨配子育性及其子代形态变异研究。
- The gamete - producing phase in a plant characterized by alternation of generations. 配子体植物中以世代交替为特征的产生配子产生的阶段