Dormancy for hard seeds is caused by impermeability to water and gas and mechanical constraint of the seed coat. 硬实种子种皮透水透气性差和对胚生长的机械限制,引起种子休眠。
Hollow fiber membranes with good gas permeability can be obtained after the extraction of the paraffin oil and stretching to a small extension. 将石蜡油提取掉后稍加拉伸即可得到透气性很好的微孔中空纤维渗透膜。
The special connections ensure that the system has excellent air tightness. 特别的连接方式保证了系统优良的气密性。
The problems have been eliminated byimproving the tightness of the hood or arranging counterflow.If you have time ,please help me to translate into chinese. 通过增强气罩的气密性或者安排逆流可以使这个问题得到消除。