- Other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative rules and regulations. (四)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
- Where there are provisio otherwise provided by laws, rules and regulatio , such provisio shall prevail. 法律、法规和规章另有规定的,从其规定。
- It offers a thorough discussion about the general rules and unique ones, highlighting a specific focus on the revising and using for reference of the rules of the International conflict of IPR Law. 笔者认为,传统的知识产权“地域性”严格说来是以“法域”为单位而不是以国家为单位的。 这种严格的“地域性”与智慧成果的跨地区性流动之矛盾日益加剧终于在这个不易产生法律冲突的领域中催生了冲突。
- The Credential APIs are no exception to these general rules and require a variety of constants and one structure. 凭据API也遵循上述一般性规则,并且需要多种常数和一个结构。
- Objective: To discuss the general rules and characteristics of adverse drug reactions (ADRS) of lamivudine. 目的:探讨使用拉米夫定后产生不良反应的一般规律和特点。
- Parametric Design, as an idea, was inspired by the study on the generative rules and operating principle of form. 摘要数化设计的思想方法源自于对形式的生成规则与操作原理所进行的研究。
- Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。
- Results:The general rules and characteristics of occurrence of adverse reactions resulting from dl-lysine acetylsalicylate were summarized. 结果:归纳总结出了赖氨匹林不良反应发生的一般规律和特征。
- C、The others stated by law and rule. 法律、法规和规章规定的其他情况。
- The administrative sanctions and penalties stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the organs provided by laws or administrative rules and regulations. 前款规定的行政处罚由法律、行政法规规定的机关决定。
- It's very likely to clear up by and by. 很可能不久要放晴了。
- Tent is used by camper and by soldier in the field. 露营的人和战地的士兵用帐篷。
- The carrier is under no obligation to check such information or documents unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations. 除法律、行政法规另有规定外,承运人没有对前款规定的资料或者文件进行检查的义务。
- The conditions and standards for labourers to enjoy social insurance benefits shall be stipulated by laws, rules and regulations. 劳动者享受社会保险待遇的条件和标准由法律、法规规定。
- He took ill on Thursday, and by Sunday he was dead. 他星期四突然生病,到星期天就死去了。
- By and by the clouds disappeared. 乌云不久便消散了。
- Structural and dynamic characteristics of centimeter-level micro turbine engine (MTE) rotor system are mainly discussed. General rules and features of shafting and dynamic design are summarized for MTE, and future directions are also pointed out. 重点讨论了厘米级微型发动机转子系统的结构与动力特性,总结了微型涡轮发动机轴系和动力学设计的一般规律和特点,指出了微型发动机转子结构与动力特性研究的方向。
- Besides, the disputed holdings are scattered throughout the site, and by law, the government cannot give the aggrieved farmers land that was expropriated from someone else. 此外,有争议的土地分散在各个地方,而根据法律,政府不可能把从别人那里征用的土地还给那些土地利益真正受到侵犯的人。
- I hate being fettered by petty rules and regulations. 我讨厌受清规戒律的束缚。
- Except as otherwise stipulated by laws and administrative rules and regulations, the administrative reconsideration shall apply a single-level system of reconsideration. 除法律、行政法规另有规定的外,行政复议实行一级复议制。