- This year of scientist of nearly 70, spirit is hale and hearty, thinking is active, the report of 3 many hours, get sth done without any letup. 这位年近70的科学家,精神矍铄,思维活跃,三个多小时的报告,一气呵成。
- "Perhaps it was because of this early experience that, throughout his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth reached out and made friends with people whom others ignored or despised. 或许正是这早期的经历,来自拿撒勒城的耶稣伸出双手,就连那些鄙视他轻视他的人,他都与他们为友。
- From kitchen workbench the face arrives cistern, get sth done without any letup, do not have slack Tibet absolutely corrupt wait for a problem, it is so choose to go up. 从厨房工作台面到水池,一气呵成,绝没有漏水藏污等问题,所以是为上选。
- Later, in philosopher guide below, everybody at the same place sclerotic road surface, thereby get sth done once and for ever, need not suffer again " change a shoe " suffering. 后来,在哲人的带领下,大家一块儿硬化了路面,从而一劳永逸,不必再受“换鞋”之苦。
- The Party member is civilian, impossible get sth done once and for ever, accomplish in one move impossibly also, must arrowy annals not change, cease ceaselessly also momently. 党员为民,不可能一劳永逸,也不可能一蹴而就,必须矢志不渝,一刻也不停息。
- Some TSEs stick to a single species, while others ignore such boundaries. 有些TSEs只针对某一物种,而其他TSEs却设有种的界限。
- Want to unite the design on wall act the role ofing and curtain as far as possible, can make the space is in what get sth done without any letup achieves on integral feeling to connect feel fully. 要尽量统一墙饰和窗帘上的图案,能使空间在整体感上达到一气呵成的通透感。
- Adornment is not temporarily the visual concussion of profusion, still must be moistureproof and anticorrosive colorfast talent qualitative ability " get sth done once and for ever " . 装饰不是一时缤纷的视觉冲击,还必须是防潮防腐又不褪色的材质才能“一劳永逸”。
- Be compared and character, domestic academia to the industry group although research already obtained certain positive result, but less to the thorough explore get sth back of embeddability. 相比较而言,国内学术界对于产业群的研究虽已取得一定成果,但对嵌入性的深入探讨还较少。
- Now let's get on to the other exhibition rooms. 现在我们到其他展览室去吧。
- Get sth badly out of perspective 非常不正确地看待事物
- Get sth under controlfor miles around 方圆几英里
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- Trying to borrow or get sth by scrounging 设法借得或擅取某物
- Like entrepreneurs, Loyola Marymount University describes itself as small but powerful.Not as large as other surrounding schools, Loyola emphasizes its ability to focus on niches others ignore. 巴布森学院认为商科和文科的课程培养企业家精神和技能的基础课程。
- Ive got sth to tell. 我有些话必须得说。
- A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others. 幽默感使他能与人相处愉快。
- He always tries to get ahead of others in everything. 他总是试图处处领先他人。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- He thinks the Mafia are out to get him. 他意识到黑手党要来报复他。