- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- Moreover,the Soviet Union has not yet finished its global strategic deployment. 另一方面,苏联的全球战略部署还没有准备好。
- Moreover, the Soviet Union has not yet finished its global strategic deployment. 另一方面,苏联的全球战略部署还没有准备好。
- Progress in nuclear disarmament cannot be achieved without a global strategic equilibrium and stability. 核裁军的进展,离不开全球的战略平衡和稳定。
- About RMG Connect RMG Connect is the global strategic relationship marketing network of JWT. 关于RMG Connect RMG Connect为智威汤逊集团(JWT)的全球战略性市场关系网络。
- In order to invest China fund, yesterday decided to atone for "Investec Global Strategic Value Fund". 为了要投资大陆基金,昨天毅然而然赎回"天达环球策略价值"。"
- In the current situation, it is vitally important to maintain the global strategic balance and stability and the legal system governing international arms control and disarmament. 在当前形势下,维护全球战略平衡与稳定和国际军控与裁军法律体系至关重要。
- World cities are the central cities that have the power of control world economy and act on the distribution of global strategic resources. 世界城市是对世界经济具有控制能力并支配全球战略资源配置的中心城市,是经济全球化的战略要地,对经济全球化与信息化背景下的世界经济格局形成具有举足轻重的影响。
- Nanotechnology is a broad field with diverse industry needs and becomes one of the global strategic competitiveness in S/T. 它内容广泛,有多种多样的工业需求,将对未来的科技、经济、社会发展和国家安全产生重大影响,现已成为一个国际竞相争夺的科技战略重点。
- The SED focuses on the discussion of bilateral and global strategic, economic topics that are of both ries' interest and concern. 中美战略经济对话将主要讨论两国共同感兴趣和关切的双边和全球战略性经济问题。
- In the current situation,it is vitally important to maintain the global strategic balance and stability and the legal system governing international arms control and disarmament. 在当前形势下,维护全球战略平衡与稳定和国际军控与裁军法律体系至关重要。
- From the economic point of view,the two really great issues confronting the world today,issues of global strategic significance,are: first,peace,and second,economic development. 再从经济角度来说。现在世界上真正大的问题,带全球性的战略问题,一个是和平问题,一个是经济问题或者说发展问题。
- Second,these two countries are striving for global strategic deployment but have suffered setbacks and met with failures,so neither dares to start a war. 其次,苏美两家都在努力进行全球战略部署,但都受到了挫折,都没有完成,因此都不敢动。
- Second, these two countries are striving for global strategic deployment but have suffered setbacks and met with failures, so neither dares to start a war. 其次,苏美两家都在努力进行全球战略部署,但都受到了挫折,都没有完成,因此都不敢动。
- DGT is one of the global strategic partners of Microsoft in China and has large development laboratories in line with safety requirements of Microsoft and GE. DGT是微软在中国早期建立的“全球战略合作伙伴”之一,拥有完全符合微软、GE严格安全要求的大型开发实验室。
- As a milestone of OSRAM's global strategic development, OSRAM China Lighting Ltd. was established as a wholly owned foreign enterprise in China in 1995. 欧司朗在全球19个国家共有53个生产基地,为140多个国家的客户提供优质服务。
- But we must recognize that the intensified rivalry between the superpowers and the quickened pace of global strategic deployment by the Soviet hegemonists present a serious threat to world peace and to our own national security. 但必须看到,超级大国的争夺日益加剧,苏联霸权主义加速推进全球战略部署,严重地威胁着世界的和平和我国的安全。
- The United States government should earnestly heed the appeal of the international community and stop the development and deployment of missile defense systems that may undermine global strategic stability. 美国政府应当认真倾听国际社会的呼声,停止发展和部署破坏全球战略稳定的反导系统。
- The ministers reiterate that the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty reached in 1972 remains the foundation for global strategic stability and an important precondition for the disarmament process. 部长们再次重申,1972年达成的反导条约是全球战略稳定的基石和裁军进程发展的重要条件。