- His boss has a good opinion of him. 老板很赏识他。
- I'm obliged to you for your good opinion. 感谢你提的宝贵意见。
- My initial good opinion of him changed with time. 时间长了我对他最初的好印象改变了。
- We have a good opinion of your son. 我们认为你的儿子很棒.
- He seldom has a good opinion of himself. 他很少自视清高。
- Almost all have a good opinion of the speech given by Mr Green. 几乎所有的人对格林先生的发言都给予了很高的评价。
- We are likely drawn to those who have a good opinion of us. 我们喜欢接近那些对我们有好感的人。
- He held her in high regard(= had a good opinion of her). 他对她非常敬重。
- My good opinion of someone once lost is lost for ever. 我对某个人一旦没有了好感,就永远没有了好感。
- I have a good opinion of the man I interviewed yesterday. 我对昨天面谈那人很有好感。
- When Carrie had gone, he felicitated himself upon her good opinion. 嘉莉走后,他庆幸自己获得了她的好感。
- Her desire to keep her good opinion of herself had completed her confusion. 那种急于对自己保持好的评价的愿望就更使她完全陷入混乱之中。
- His teachers think very highly of him(= have a very good opinion of him). 老师们很欣赏他。
- It is very nice to find that people have such a good opinion of my butter. 听到大伙对我的奶油有这样的好评,真叫人高兴。
- If you continue to tell lies, you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone. 你如果继续撒谎, 就会失掉大家对你的好感。
- Society tempts me to its service by honours and riches and the good opinion of my fellows. 社会用勋章、钱财以及我的同胞们的夸奖而引诱我为它服务。
- And I shall try to deserve your good opinion by opening the meeting as briefly as possible. 我一定接受各位的好意把开幕词尽量作得简短些。
- Edward Ferrars was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address. 爱德华·费拉尔斯得到她们的好评并不是由于他的人品或谈吐特别出众。
- You must be frank with me, if you wish to secure my good opinion, and lessen the risk of inconvenience to yourself. 你必须对我老老实实,如果你希望我替你说好话,而减轻你的不便。
- She was a victim of character assassination(= an unfair attack on the good opinion people had of her). 她是诽谤行为的受害者。