- Man's life is full of the various good or ill luck. 人生充满着种种吉凶。
- Teams were formed which had good or bad luck. 生死难卜的专业小组组织起来了。
- Wu Sangui listens, frighten a suit cold sweat, look for an oneiromancy seek official, inquiry good or ill luck. 吴三桂听罢,吓得一身冷汗,便找来一个圆梦的谋臣,询问吉凶。
- The ancients thought that dog can avoid suffering a misfortune except omening good or ill luck. “猫来穷,狗来福”的吉祥口彩也流传至今。
- Everything happens for a reason.Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. 万事皆有因,没有什么事是因巧合或运气的好坏而发生的。
- The priests predicted good or bad luck by studying the combinations of gods or goddesses and numbers. 祭司通过研究男神或女神与数字的结合可以预知运气的好坏。
- Accordingly, we must the footing with oneself, will consider the good or ill luck with geomantic residence, the room that seeks to suit oneself to live most lives. 因此,我们必须以自己的立场,来考虑住宅风水的吉凶,找最适合自己居住的房子住。
- We might have good luck or bad luck. 我们的运气有时会好有时也会坏。
- A man is not good or bad for one action. 不能凭一件事判断人的好坏。
- New Explanation to the Theory of Good or Ill Luck of the House in Ancient China 房说:中国古代房屋吉凶新解
- It cannot be said to be good or bad. 这种事无所谓好坏。
- We will play golf or stay home according as the weather is good or bad. 我们是去打高尔夫球还是呆在家里取决於天气是好是坏。
- English: The good or ill hap of a good or ill wife. 中文:老婆选得好,一生无烦恼;老婆没选好,日子过得糟。
- It's difficult to say if it is good or bad. 很难说是好是坏。
- Sickness or bad luck often makes a person feel dismal. 生病或坏运经常使入沮丧。
- Do you think your pen pal's writing is good or bad? 你认为你的笔友书写工整或凌乱?
- Get the same pay, whether result is good or bad. 无论怎样工作,拿相同的报酬。
- There is no place in particular good or bad. 这个世界是没有特别好或特别差的地方。
- In the case of money itself, it's no good or bad. 就钱本身而言,没有好与坏之分。
- Follow their instincts as to what's good or bad. 关於好坏的判断,也敢跟随自己的本能。