- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。
- To grasp the inner significance of; understand. 洞悉,明了掌握其内在重要性;理解
- You must grasp this opportunity. 你必须抓住机会。
- I have only a rudimentary grasp of physics. 我对物理学仅有初步的了解。
- I have only a rudimentary grasp of chemistry. 我只掌握了化学的初步知识。
- We need a government that will grasp the nettle. 我们需要一个敢於大刀阔斧地处理问题的政府。
- She is in the grasp of a wicked man. 她受到一个恶人的控制。
- He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。
- She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject. 她已全面掌握了这一学科。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- The manuscript requires an expert to understand it. 这份手稿只有专家才看得懂。
- Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull. 力量; 权力; 支配; 控制
- No one could understand the little baby's babble. 没人能听懂这个小婴孩的话。
- I don't understand what his motive is. 我不知道他的动机是什么。
- People gain initiative only when they grasp the rules of things. 人掌握了事物的规律就会获得主动权。
- He was restoring lands most of which were quite beyond his grasp. 当时他正在收回土地,可是大部分土地他是很难收回的了。
- I can't understand that man's psychology. 我无法理解那个人的心理。
- The fish wriggled out of my grasp. 那条鱼扭动着从我握着的手中滑落下来。
- I can't understand why your plan fell through. 我不懂你的计划为什么竟会失败。
- I cannot understand his conflicting philosophy. 我不能理解他那互相矛盾的思想体系。