- It should play a greater role, without doubt. 是起更多的作用。
- They will play an even greater role in the struggles to come. 在未来的斗争中他们还将起更大的作用。
- The working people have played a great role in the activity. 工人在这次活动中起主要作用。
- Newton and Leibniz invented the calculus of a great role. 对牛顿和莱布尼茨发明 微积分理论 有很大的作用。
- Belief plays a great role in the development of human beings. 摘要信仰对人类的发展起着巨大的引导作用。
- FW: Supposition always plays a great role in people's perception. 弗兰克-威廉姆斯:推测总是在人们的感觉中扮演了重要的角色。
- Network optimizing plays a great role in the construction of GSM system. 网络优化是GSM系统建设中一个非常重要的过程,其目的是提高网络通信质量。
- The above countermeasure and advice would play great role in practice. 这些对策与建议,在实践上具有重要指导意义。
- Wow! Old toad, there are also a great role ! I really underestimated it. 哇!原来蟾蜍也有那么大的作用呀!我真的小看它了。
- The great role of guerrilla warfare in strategic co-ordination must not be overlooked. 游击战争在战略上的伟大的配合作用,是不容忽视的。
- As an old-line newspaper system, part organ played a great role in our long-time Administrivia propagandize enterprise. 党报作为历史悠久的报系,在我国长期的新闻宣传事业中发挥了巨大的作用。
- Biochip is a high throughput, parallel and automatic technique and will play a great role in this time. 生物芯片技术具有高通量,并行性及自动化等特点,将在这一时期发挥重要作用。
- It is one of the greatest roles she has played. 这是她所扮演过的最重要的角色之一。
- Ms. Townsend says the Pentagon must be prepared to play a greater role in responding to natural disaster. 汤森说,五角大楼必须准备扮演更大的角色来应对天灾。
- New changes have taken place in the economic structure and operational mechanisms, and the market is playing a greater role in socioeconomic life. 经济体制和运行机制有了新的变化,市场对经济社会生活发挥越来越大的作用。
- "Red Big Three" are built to contain a powerful network, will allow Alstom to play a greater role players Lengjian. “红色三巨头”所构建的强大牵制网,将使得阿尔斯通更多地去扮演冷箭球员的角色。
- With the further improvement,CLSM will play a greater role in pharmaceutical research. 随着CLSM技术的进一步发展和完善,它必在药学研究各领域发挥更大作用。
- Local businesses will take a greater role in helping prepare students through apprenticeship programs. 当地的单位会在学生的实践中准备中扮演更为重要的角色。
- If our country becomes more developed and prosperous,we will be in a position to play a greater role in international affairs. 如果我们国家发展了,更加兴旺发达了,我们在国际事务中的作用就会大。
- As for Hong Kong,not only will it play a greater role as an international financial centre,but its status will be consolidated and enhanced as well. 对于香港来说,其国际金融中心地位不仅有机会发挥更大的作用,而且,还可以得到巩固和提升。