- Element-by-elementelement-by-element
- 单词element含有五类不同的字符。The word'element'contains five different types of character.
- 此示例说明element和xml指令之间的区别。This example illustrates the difference between the element and xml directives.
- 选择Show并使用默认的DOM Element mapping单选钮。Select the Show and use default DOM Element mapping radio button.
- 如果是使用XML定义应用程序,请在ComputedFields Element(ADF)中定义每个字段。If you are defining an application in XML, define each field in a ComputedFields Element (ADF).
- 常规类型(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS或ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE)表示为类型的完全限定名。Regular types (ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) are represented as the fully qualified name of the type.
- Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the用户界面(UI)。Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface (UI).
- blockDefault属性在该架构的目标命名空间中设置element和complexType元素上的block属性的默认值。The blockDefault attribute sets the default value of the block attribute on element and complexType elements in the target namespace of this schema.
- 当指定ELEMENT指令检索以元素为中心的XML时,如果列具有NULL值,则EXPLICIT模式将不生成相应的元素。When you specify the ELEMENT directive to retrieve element-centric XML, if the column has a NULL value, the corresponding element is not generated by the EXPLICIT mode.
- 如果配置节处理程序不与某个配置元素关联,ASP.NET将发出服务器错误“无法识别的配置节element_name”。If a configuration section handler is not associated with a configuration element, ASP.NET issues the server error, "Unrecognized configuration section element_name."
- 检查当前节点是否是内容(非空白文本、CDATA、Element、EndElement、EntityReference或EndEntity)节点。Checks whether the current node is a content (non-white space text, CDATA, Element, EndElement, EntityReference, or EndEntity) node.
- 将包含ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY参数的方法从.NET程序集导出到类型库时,数组参数被转换为给定类型的SAFEARRAY。When a method containing an ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY parameter is exported from a.NET assembly to a type library, the array parameter is converted to a SAFEARRAY of a given type.
- 建立了两种人HSF原核表达体系并研究了原核表达产物与顺式作用元件HSE(heat shock element)相互作用的性质。In order to study the function of HSF, two human HSF prokaryotic expression plasmids ( pET-11/HSF1 and pET-11B/HSF2 ) were constructed and expressed efficiently in E.
- 考虑到耦合分析时步多、计算量大的问题,采用基于element-by-element策略的有限元并行计算方法进行数值模拟。Considering enormous time steps and huge workload in the coupling analysis,the element-by-element(EBE) finite element parallel computation method is adopted for numerical simulation.
- 如果配置文件在处理程序引用被移除后尝试使用配置节,ASP.NET将发出服务器错误“无法识别的配置节element_name”。If a configuration file tries to use a configuration section after the handler reference is removed, ASP.NET issues the server error, "Unrecognized configuration section element_name."
- 基于Element By Element(EBE)策略 ,提出了一种反馈网络和前向网络共同组成的多层神经网络以实现热传导有限元分析。Based upon element by element(EBE) iterative strategies,a feedback multi layer neural model is proposed for the heat conduct problem FEM analysis.
- 阐述了用有限元求解流场不可压Navier Stokes方程时 ,基于单元接单元 (Element By Element,EBE)技术的并行双共轭梯度法 (Bi CG)。The parallel Bi CG iterative method based on the element by element (EBE) technique is described, which is used in the solution of Navier Stokes equation using finite element method.
- 内部类型(例如ELEMENT_TYPE_I4、ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT、ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING、ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF和ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID)表示为相应完全类型的完全限定名。Intrinsic types (for example, ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT, ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING, ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF. And ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) are represented as the fully qualified name of the corresponding full type.
- 阐述了用有限元法求解三维电磁场问题时,基于单元接单元即EBE(element-by-element)技术的并行共轭梯度法(CG)和并行对角预处理共轭梯度法(DCG)方法。In this paper, the parallel Conjugate Gradientmethod(CG) and Diagonal preconditioning Conjugate Gradient method(DCG) based on the technique of element-by-element (EBE) are described, which are used in the study of 3D electromagnetic fields by using finite element methods.
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