- Color epoxy grout system and method for use. 彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。
- The battle was won at grout cost in human lifes. 牺牲了许多人的生命才换来了这次战役的胜利。
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- The behavior of microfine cement grout is similar to Bingham fluid. 在流变性质上,超细水泥浆液属于宾汉流体。
- Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V.Palisca. 书名/作者 A history of western music / J.
- Its dam foundation grout curtain and backfilling technologies are advanced. 在大坝基础工程帷幕灌浆、回填技术上处同行之首。
- Any of the admixture or additive is forbidden to add into the JS Grout. 现场使用时,严禁在JS灌浆料中掺入任何外加剂、外掺料。
- In sands, a large amount of grout was required for the heave to be significant. 在砂土层中则须注入大量浆材方可达到隆起之目的。
- The grout is installed after final adjustment and installation of the roadway wearing surface. 灌浆是在最终调整和安装桥面磨耗层以后进行的。
- Finally, the bond strength of FRP bars to epoxy resin and cement grout is also studied. 同时对纤维塑料筋与水泥装和环氧树脂的粘结强度也进行了探讨。
- Therefore, the new kind of sulphate lignin grout with wonderf ul performance will have a wonderful prospect in practice. 这种性能优良的新型复合浆液在工程中将有良好的应用前景。
- Impermeable wall made up by mixing grout and dike fill can greatly enhance the flood-resistant ability of the exiting dam. 防渗墙是由水泥浆和堤坝填充土充分搅拌混合,并经水泥硬化作用而成,可大大提高现有堤坝的抗洪能力。
- But these were uncased auger-drilled poured pilings, with the grout in direct contact with the native materials. 不过这些都是露出地面经钻孔绕灌而成的桩,灰浆同天然材料直接接触。
- The flow of chemical grout in the medium with double porosity is a two phase flow process. 化学浆液在岩土双重孔隙介质中的流动是一个二相驱替过程。
- Some tiles have spacers built into them but you can use extras to create a larger grout line. 一些瓷砖里面有间隔构造,但是你能使用额外之物产生一条更大的薄泥浆线。
- The hydration products, construction and morphology of cement grout added expansion agent were observed by SEM. 利用SEM分析了掺膨胀剂水泥的水化产物、结构和形貌。
- When the concrete has cured sufficiently the stencil is removed exposing the contrasting grout line effect. 混凝土足够干燥后,去掉胶条,反显出网格效果。
- The loading transfer differential equation of anchoring section is obtained based on grout body damage. 推导了基于浆体材料损伤的锚索锚固段荷载传递控制微分方程;
- The mixing of JS Grout should follow the stipulation 2 in this Construction Method. 较长设备或轨道基础的灌浆(参见图2),应采用分段施工。即采用跳仓法施工。
- The effect of polypropylene fibre and polymer latex on dry-shrinkage performance of sanded cement grout is researched. 考察了聚丙烯纤维和聚合物乳液掺加量对水泥砂浆干缩性能的影响。