- grouted aggregate concrete 骨料灌浆混凝土
- Our team scored the most goals on aggregate. 整个来说,我们队得分最多。
- A collection or totality; an aggregate. 聚合,堆汇合或整体; 聚合
- The aggregate number of unemployed is fifty thousand this year. 今年失业人数总共达五万人。
- What is the aggregate of goals from the two football matches? 两场橄榄球赛的总进球数是多少?
- The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship. 增加税收归结起来将造成很多困难。
- What were your aggregate wages last year? 去年你的工资一共是多少?
- Color epoxy grout system and method for use. 彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。
- The battle was won at grout cost in human lifes. 牺牲了许多人的生命才换来了这次战役的胜利。
- The aggregate size determines the area. 此面积的大小由骨料粒度决定。
- The sum will aggregate a thousand dollars. 总额共计一千元。
- Attention: a filter screen should be added between machine mixer and aggregate bin to filter the grout. 注意事项:在灰浆搅拌机和集料斗之间设一道过滤网,过滤浆液。
- The money collected will aggregate $2,000. 已收款合计将达两千美元。
- A collection or totality;an aggregate. 聚合,堆汇合或整体;聚合
- Item and two aggregate functions. 项和两个聚合函数。
- Controls truncation and NULL in aggregate warnings. 控制聚合警告中的截断和NULL。
- This example creates an aggregate to count vowels. 此示例创建对元音计数的聚合。
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- The storage format of the aggregate. 聚合的存储格式。
- The behavior of microfine cement grout is similar to Bingham fluid. 在流变性质上,超细水泥浆液属于宾汉流体。