- These include cosmetic, toothpaste, shampoo, skin and hair care agent. 如:化妆品、牙膏、洗发膏、护肤、护发用品等。
- Kenneth F. Perkins, who lives in Lebanon of Indiana, received a package last week containing after-shave lotion, talc and hair dressing. 上星期,家住印第安纳州勒巴农市的柏金斯上周收到一个邮包,里有有剃须后用的润肤乳、爽身粉和发乳,而邮戳上的日期竟是“1945年12月13日”。
- Suitable for any skin and burns, sunburn, skin regeneration, and hair care. 适宜任何皮肤及灼伤、晒伤,使肌肤再生;护发。
- She washed, brushed and combed her hair carefully, put on her best dress and her prettiest stockings, painted her face, and waited for her husband to come home. 她洗得干干净净,仔细地梳好了头发,穿上最好看的衣服和袜子,脸上还抹了胭脂,等她丈夫回家。
- Green Tea Extract has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties in skin and hair care product. 绿茶提取物在护肤和护发产品有抗氧化、消炎和收敛性作用。
- Her face was aglow and her blue eyes sparkled like the sea until of course, she tripped and fell face first into a ditch of mud, spraying her dress and hair with oozing slime. 她的脸是发红的而且她的蓝色眼睛像海洋闪耀直到当然,她首先进入泥的一条沟渠之内跌倒而且跌落脸,用渗出烂泥喷雾她的洋装和头发。
- Our range of products includes the following:Bath salts, Black Mud, Mineral Soaps, Spa Products, Skin and Hair Care. 我们的产品范围包括以下内容:浴盐,黑色泥土,矿物肥皂,水疗产品,皮肤和头发护理。
- hair dressing and wave implements 理发熨发用具
- C-BONS Hair Care offers a wide range of shampooing, conditioning and hair styling products with strong and well-known brands in China such as Slek and Maestro. 丝宝护发部门在中国打造了在洗发水、护发素及头发定型产品等多个领域内的强力品牌,例如舒蕾和雅涛等。
- Chen GQ, Huang JL. An aqueous nutrient and skin and hair care mixture that can reduce the loss of nutrient components caused by the washing process. 一种减少护肤护发产品营养成份被快速洗脱的营养和护理水溶性复合物。
- She went to the party in her silk dress and pumps. 她穿着绸的连衫裙和浅口轻便鞋参加宴会。
- C-BONS Hair Care is one of the leading players in the Chinese hair care and hair styling market with a well-developed distribution network in China. 丝宝护发是中国美发护发品市场的领导性厂家之一,在中国有着广泛的分销渠道。
- She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。
- This assistance is to include acting as spa receptionist, performing manicure/pedicure services, selling and restocking professional retail skin care and hair care products. 包括:协助前台接待、协助美甲/修脚服务,销售并订购专业的皮肤护理或头发护理产品。
- With the growing trend towards natural products, aloe gel has become widely used in skin and hair care products such as moisturising cream, conditioner and sunscreens. 随着人们越来越倾向于使用纯天然产品,芦荟胶正广泛应用于护肤和护发产品中,诸如保湿乳、护发素和防晒霜等。
- Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior. 年轻姑娘必须言词谨慎,衣着得体,行为端庄。
- As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap? 既然你喜欢我的连衣裙而我也喜欢你的,咱们交换好吗?
- Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。
- The hair dress salon is on the fifth floor. 美发厅在第五层。
- We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is the second largest cleaning, skin clea ing and hair care product manufacturer. 我们是全球最大的冷冻食品、冰淇淋、茶饮料、人造奶油和调味品生产商,也是全球第二大的洗涤、洁肤和护发产品生产商。