- The referee may add extra time for time lost through injuries. The teams change ends at half time. 裁判可以因受伤引起的时间损耗而加时。在上半场结束后两队交换场地。
- The referee may add extra time for time lost through injuries. The teams change ends at half time . 裁判可以因受伤引起的时间损耗而加时。在上半场结束后两队交换场地。
- Pato -6.0: Worked tirelessly, chasing every ball, and also having a couple of shots blocked.However, he failed to get the better of the outstanding Lucchini, wand was subbed at half time for Kaka. 帕托:6.;0 - 在场上不惜力,也有几脚射门被挡,但是卢基尼对他的盯防很死,下半时被同胞卡卡换下。
- England were leading France15-0 at half time. 上半场英国队以十五比零领先法国队。
- It's time for us to enter into business talk. 是我们开始谈生意的时间了。
- It's time for us to say "No" to America. 是我们对美国说不的时候了。
- Our team was in the lead at half time. 我们队在前半场领先。
- He's doing time for pinching goods in the stores. 他因在百货商店行窃而在坐牢。
- It's time for our artillery to hit back. 现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。
- Make haste, and you'll be in time for class. 动作快一点,你才赶得及上课。
- There is always enough time for courtesy. 现在不必在这里说客气话。
- I have no time for reading these books. 我没有时间读这些书。
- The busy bee have no time for sorrow. 事情繁忙,无假忧伤。
- I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。
- It's time for my dip in the tub. 我该洗澡了。
- It's time for supper, come down, kids. 开饭了,孩子们,下楼来。
- It's time for me to see about cooking dinner. 该是我准备晚饭的时候了。
- What was the score at half time? 上半场比分多少?
- Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame. 伊莉莎白没有时间与别的少女们闲聊。
- United were 3-1 up at half time. 半场结束时,联队以 3:1 领先。