- You have good taste in your clothes. 你对服装有很好的品味。
- I must say that you have good taste this time. 不得不承认,这次你是选对了。
- I must say that you have good taste. 我说呀,你真有眼光。
- LuLu: Hey, I really like your outfit! You have good taste. 嘿,我喜欢??的打扮唷,你真有品味!
- LuLu:Hey, I really like your outfit! You have good taste. 嘿,我喜欢妳的打扮唷,你真有品味!
- Really? Bueno, the woman has good taste. 真的吗?这女人很有品味。
- Wow, you always look so classy and beautiful. You really have good taste in clothes. 你总是看起来那么高雅漂亮。你穿衣服真是有品位。
- Try meatless products like imitation hot dogs, bacon, and burgers. Many have good taste and are low in fat. 试试无肉产品例如人造(仿)热狗;培根;和汉堡.;许多这类产品有美味而且是低脂肪的
- He has good taste in clothing; he always dresses appropriately. 他对衣著很有品味,他总是穿著得体。
- Clerk : This set sells for $ 800. You have good taste, sir. It's the new Sony set for this year. 秘书:这一套售价为800美元。你有很好的味道,主席先生。这是一套新的索尼今年。
- I would say "he/she got class", or "he/she has good taste". 当你说某人“很有味道”或是“气质很好”,用英文怎么讲呢?
- Whatever is not made according to this standard displeases those who have good taste. 凡不是根据这种典型而构成的一切东西,都会使高级趣味的人感到不快。
- You have good taste. 你有很好的鉴赏力。
- She has good taste in clothes. 她对服装有很好的审美眼光。
- He's a good person; talented and pretty good looking. Overall, in every aspect he's pretty good. Lili really has good taste. 人不错,有才华,而且也挺帅的。总之,各方面条件都不错。丽丽真有眼光啊。
- "Pingping"brand jellied bean curd series food has good taste and rich notyition.It is loved by the consumers and has large potentail to develop. “平平”牌豆花系列食品口感好,营养丰富,深受消费者喜爱,发展潜力巨大。
- Fletcher certainly has good taste in role models and recently nominated Fernando Redondo, the former Argentina and Real Madrid anchorman, as his hero. 弗莱彻很会挑选榜样,他最近说前阿根廷和皇马中场雷东多是自己的榜样。
- She has developed a good taste in dress. 她在衣着方面已培养出良好的监赏力。
- Simplicity is the essence of good taste. 纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。
- Nobody can always have good luck. 没有人始终能够有好运。