- Unchained and tender music with lofty sentiment. 不受拘束的温柔豪情曲。
- Young people should have lofty ideals and aims. 年轻人应该有崇高的理想和目标。
- Young people should have lofty aspirations. 青年人应有远大的志向。
- Patriotism is usually regarded as a kind of lofty sentiment. 爱国主义往往被认为是一种高尚的情操。
- Now ,I am in the Kunlun,filled with lofty sentiments and altitude stress. 而今身在昆仑山口时,胸中满腔的豪情,脑中也是满脑的高原反应。
- Of these, the most important is to have lofty ideals. 其中我们最强调的,是有理想。
- The poems of the first stage written before imperial examinations was full of lofty sentiments. 第一阶段是参加科考前所作,显示出他重友情的情怀;
- Facing a tidal wave of integrative global economic, persons of Beidahuang Fengyuan are filling lofty sentiments and hundredfold confidences. 面对全球经济一体化的浪潮,北大荒丰缘人豪情满怀,信心百倍。
- Need not all day calculate is worn caloric can abstain from eating meal, lofty sentiments dye-in-the-wood big impediment flesh, true bright. 由于在一百只膏蟹中才能找到一只黄油蟹,而每年品尝的日子只有三个月,因而显得非凡矜贵。
- Mettled China: brave warriors fight on battle in mettled and lofty China to expressing their braveness and lofty sentiments. 气概山河:矫健威猛的将士们,征战沙场,气概山河,纷纷乱世中展现英勇无敌,豪气万千的伟大情操。
- Shangrao has lofty mountains and pretty rivers. 上饶山川秀美。
- The lofty sentiments of the sea is the speed that people hoists the sails; The charm of the sea, it is people cruise aquatic carefree. 大海的豪情是人们扬帆的速度;大海的妩媚,是人们游弋水上的悠然。
- In this era, we have many wonderful gentlemen who keep sagacious, resolute, righteous, sober, brave, unclouded, lofty sentiments, and kind in their lives. 我们这个时代有很多上智、刚毅、正直、节制、勇敢、豁达、豪情、温存的绅士。
- Others have loftier philosophical objections. 其他的则是一些更高层次的哲学层面上的反对理由。
- Professional dedicated colleagues, intelligent business negotiations, lofty sentiments and high aspirations evinced by leaders will touch you deep feelings ever. 你会时常看到加班加点的敬业同事,你会时常注意到迸发智慧的商务谈判,你更能不断感受到领导们的豪情壮志以及良苦用心。
- Groaning under the secret heart, ever have lofty capital, ever have lofty texture? 心下暗暗叫苦,何曾有清高的资本,何曾有清高的质地?
- What Mencius means is that only those who have broadened their perceptions could have lofty aspirations. 孟子的意思是眼界高的人志大,眼界小的人则心小。
- We must portray the new features of the pioneers in the modernization drive,their revolutionary ideals and scientific approach,their lofty sentiments and creative ability,and their broad and realistic vision. 要塑造四个现代化建设的创业者,表现他们那种有革命理想和科学态度、有高尚情操和创造能力、有宽阔眼界和求实精神的崭新面貌。
- Today in China we are urging people to have lofty ideals and moral integrity, to become better educated and to cultivate a strong sense of discipline. 现在中国提出“四有”,有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律。
- We must portray the new features of the pioneers in the modernization drive, their revolutionary ideals and scientific approach, their lofty sentiments and creative ability, and their broad and realistic vision. 要塑造四个现代化建设的创业者,表现他们那种有革命理想和科学态度、有高尚情操和创造能力、有宽阔眼界和求实精神的崭新面貌。