- May they grow healthy and strong. 祝愿他们健康,祝愿他们壮实。
- Children in Chichin are healthy and strong. 图6:渔村的孩子活泼健壮,这一棒挥得多麽有劲。
- Healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated. 淳朴的健壮的但土气且纯朴的
- The nation's youngsters are growing up healthy and strong. 我国青少年正在健康茁壮地成长。
- We are proud of showing our healthy and strong physique. 这个冬天并不冷骄傲地展示我们健壮的体魄。
- They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. 他们死的时候没有疼痛;他们的力气却也壮实。
- Healthy and strong, shifting white-ning the first heart? 老当益壮,宁移白首之心?
- It seems the most important thing for a man is to be healthy and strong. 人们似乎最重要的是身心健康。
- Vegetables make my body healthier and stronger. 蔬菜使我的身体更健康更强壮。
- Satisfactory recruitment saw the strength of the Force remain healthy and strong at 27 588 disciplined officers and 5 926 civilian staff. 由于招募工作成绩理想,警队得以维持强大而健康的人手数目,其中纪律人员有27588名,而文职人员则有5926名。
- There is nothing mysterious about the foundation of a healthy and strong democracy. 一个健全稳固的民主,它的基础并没有一点神秘。
- Cliff on the pine tree growing healthy and strong, who do not need fertilization, who do not need irrigation. 悬崖上的一棵松树茁壮生长着,不需要谁来施肥,也不需要谁来灌溉。
- Sea, the broad-minded坦露; motherly love is sweet milk, feeding the children grow up healthy and strong. 海洋,坦露着宽广的胸怀;母爱是甜蜜的乳汁,哺育着儿女茁壮地成长。
- Durrow flowers grow in the water, much like orchids, but orchids do not like effemination, lush, healthy and strong. 杜若花生长在水边,很像兰花,但不像兰花那样娇气,繁茂,茁壮。
- The life is oneself strives for,The human must learn how to grow healthy and strong in the defeat... 综上所述我们学校有很多很好的老师的哦.....我个人认为也是.....老师们都很好....
- Nurtured and educated by their parents and teachers, the children are growing up healthy and strong. 孩子们在父母和老师的培育下健康成长。
- With Elmo, your preschooler can learn about foods from around the world, dip into deep water and stay healthy and strong with exercise. 小朋友与毛毛一起,可以认识世界各地食物和海底水世界;同时亦学会如何做运动,保持强壮体魄!
- If people think of the better possibilities of a situation with a delighted mood, their cerebrums will excrete favorable hormones that will make their bodies healthy and strong. 如把事情多往好处想、心情舒畅,人脑就会分泌出强身健体的益性荷尔蒙。
- People who use their free time well are usually healthy and happy. 善于利用空闲时间的人通常健康又快乐。
- So, I'll take down the roof up Impatiens species, the following two days of pouring a water a day to it drying in the sun and let it grow healthy and strong. 于是,我马上下楼拿凤仙花上去楼顶种,隔两天浇一次水,每天给它晒一晒太阳,让它茁壮生长。