- helical rake angle 螺旋前角,螺旋截尖角
- Both large and small rake angle can produce preferable surface, but the chip would badly bend if it is too small. 小前角刮削与大前角铲削均可提高切削表面质量,但小前角切削时,屑片的弯曲变形较大,质量较差。
- The greater the rake angle of the tool, the smaller is, and the weaker is the cutting forces. 切削塑性材料时,对切削力的影响较大;切削脆性材料时,对切削力的影响不显著。
- Pink walls and black tiles,cornice and rake angle,leaning to rivers and mountains,which is worthy visiting. 粉墙墨瓦,飞檐翘角,依山傍水,给我的感觉还是值得去看看的地方。
- The results show that the effects on surface roughness are feed speed, depth of cutting , tool rake angle and parts hardness in turn. 结果表明:工件进给速度对表面粗糙度的影响最大,切削深度和刀具前角次之,工件硬度影响最小。
- In the process of skiving for Spiral bevel and hypoid gears, skiving cutter adopts larger negative rake angle and negative tilt angle. 在弧齿锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的刮削加工工艺中,刮削刀盘需要采用大的负前角和大的负刃倾角。
- The bigger is the absolute value of minus rake angle, the higher is the ability of resisting the tooth edge collapse, but more quick is the toot... 但负前角的绝对值越大,抗崩刃能力越强,齿形精度下降越快。而硬质合金插齿刀的凸曲前刀面设计可很好地解决这个问题。
- It is found from the stability graphs that the milling stability improves with the increase of the helix angle and the normal rake angle. 通过对不同参数下稳定性图的研究,发现随着螺旋角和法向前角的增加,铣削的稳定性逐渐增加。
- With the optimized normal rake angle, machining force and temperature change less, but material removal rate is improved obviously with increasing cutting speed. 通过优化刀具前角,提高切削速度,切削力和切削温度变化较小,但是显著提高了材料去除率。
- Theoretical calculation results indicate that the natural frequency is proportional to the width of silicon beam, increased nonlinearly with the rake angle of oblique beam, and reduced nonlinearly with the length of silicon beam. 理论计算结果表明,V型电热硅微致动器固有频率是随硅梁宽度的增加而线性增大,随斜梁长度增加而非线性减小,随斜梁倾角增加而非线性增大。
- To optimize the normal rake angle of milling tool with straight cutting edges and to lengthen tool life, a plane-strain finite element model (FEM) of metal machining was established. 摘要为了优化设计直齿圆柱铣刀前角以延长刀具使用寿命,建立了金属切削加工的平面应变有限元模型。
- The slotting tool with isometric profile cylinder hole is designed. The average radius, the rake angle, the relief angle and the space curve of the edge are analyzed and researched. 对插削等距型面孔的插刀进行了设计,对其平均半径、前角、后角、刀刃的空间曲线作了分析和研究。
- Although big roof, incline plane, long overhang eaves and high rake angle are characteristics of Chinese ancient palatial architecture, the lips and beasts are parts sine qua non in roof decoration. 大屋顶、斜坡面、深出檐、高翘角是中国古代宫殿建筑的特点,而脊吻、走兽又是屋顶装饰不可缺少的部件。
- Machining conditions of different normal rake angles and machining speeds were simulated by using this FEM. 模拟了不同刀具前角和不同切削速度条件下的切削加工过程。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Analysis of Rake Angle of Vertical Slotting Cutter 直齿插齿刀前角的理论分析
- A definition and a discussion of each of these angles are the side cutting-edge angle(SCEA), the end cutting-edge angle(ecea), side relief and end relief angles, back and side rake angles. 定义和关于这些角度中的每一的讨论个是旁边最尖端的角度,结尾最尖端的角度,旁边安心和结尾后角、后面和边前角。
- best front rake angle of indexing circle 最佳分度圆前角
- I'll try and rake out something for you to wear. 我尽量找些东西给你穿。
- The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep. 剧场的地板斜度太大了一点。