- Helping others is helping oneself . 帮助别人就是帮助自己。
- Helping others is helping oneself. 帮助别人就是帮助自己。
- You should help others by bringing them a spirit of joy. 更应该用你那股欢乐喜悦的热诚造福(帮助)人们。
- May we thank You, dear Master, for giving us the chance to help ourselves spiritually by helping others. 感谢师父让我们有这样的机会,可以帮助别人也帮助自己的灵性成长。
- By helping others, people often find that, even during periods of outpatient treatment, they also help themselves. 人们发现即使是在门诊治疗的阶段,帮助别人也意味着帮助自己。
- Acquaintances and strangers are all showing their love for Zheng Dang by helping him, and it shows that they like to help others. 相识的、相识的,都纷纷向郑丹同学伸出了友爱之手,献出了一份爱心,表现了助人为乐的精神。
- Rotary Volunteers is another way in which Rotarians can put their vocational talents to work helping others by donating time or expertise where it is needed most. 扶轮义工是扶轮社员将职业才能发挥在工作上,藉由奉献他人最需要的时间与专长来协助他人的另一种方式。
- You strengthen your own ego by helping other people to develop theirs, and you instill confidence and self-worth in those around you through your magnetism and dignity. 你用帮助他人发展来强化自己的自尊,你通过你的个人魅力和尊严向周围的人灌输信心和个人价值。
- To attain this goal, it is definitely necessary to encourage modesty and combat conceit and complacency; every Youth League member must try to help others by all possible means, without worrying about his own loss. 而为了达到这个目的,就要特别提倡谦虚,反对骄傲自大,就要要求每一个青年团员努力去帮助别人,而不要怕自己吃亏。
- Find out what you want most in life,and go after it.Do it right now by helping others to acquire similar benefits.This way you put the principle of going the extra mile into action. 找出你一生中最希望得到的东西,并立即着手去得到它, 借着帮助他人得到同样好处的方法,去追寻你的目标,如此一来,你便可将多付出一点点的原则,应用到实际行动之中。
- They saluted each other by raising their hats. 他们举起帽子互相致意。
- To attain this goal,it is definitely necessary to encourage modesty and combat conceit and complacency; every Youth League member must try to help others by all possible means,without worrying about his own loss. 而为了达到这个目的,就要特别提倡谦虚,反对骄傲自大,就要要求每一个青年团员努力去帮助别人,而不要怕自己吃亏。
- The police talked to each other by wireless. 警察用无线电通话。
- What impresses me about the Amway business is the teamwork, and the fact that you succeed only by helping others succeed.Through Amway I've been able to meet many people who share the same goals. 而安利事业是建立团队的工作,要先帮助别人成功,自己才会成功的,从中我们结识了一班有共同目标的好朋友。
- Ships sent messages to each other by radio. 船只使用无线电互通信息。
- He is enthusiastic about helping others. 他热心助人。
- He was always ready to help others, in return, he was liked by everyone. 他总是乐于助人,作为回报,大家都喜欢他。
- Superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals. 超级大国因各自拥有核工厂而互相制约
- She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。
- Nowadays, people can join up each other by telephone. 现在人们能通过电话互相联系了。