- It really doesn’t matter what that something is, the act of forcefully changing one’s emotion is rather imprudent. 还在跟爷爷奶奶过的日子里,比较烦恼的就是每天晚上不到9点就要入睡的规定。
- At first , I’ll show children some pictures and then let them close eyes .After I hide one , I’ll let them open eyes ahd guess who’s missing . ( 首先,老师给宝宝们展示一些图片,然后让宝宝们闭上眼睛,藏起一张图片后让宝宝们睁开眼睛想一想谁不见了。)
- Probe into the Liu Yu Xi"s emotion world, help know him microcosmic, truer. 探究刘禹锡的情感世界、情感特质及其造因,有助于更微观、更真实地了解他。
- After you are happy with the smudging you will need to duplicate the layer and hide one away for the time being . 涂抹完后,需要复制这个层然后把副本隐藏起来。
- A wooden screen hid one corner of the room. 一道木屏风挡住屋子的一角。
- It is only too natural that the writer?s emotion is manifested unconsciously through his works. 作家内心深处的情感不经意间通过文学表达出来,这不是偶然的。
- Thirdly, by analyzing the Fu on the Cicada, I reveal the writer"s emotion in it. 再次通过对咏蝉赋的解读,分析作品中作家的情感寄托;
- Games are the lifestyle of children’s emotion and they edify children’s temperament. 游戏就是儿童情感生活的方式,它陶冶了儿童的性情。
- These eight factors is a method path that business negotiates the personnel can affect the opponent negotiator"s emotion in order to in fulfillment. 这八个因素即是商务谈判人员在实践中可用以影响谈判对手情绪的方法途径。
- It was like the change from this Life to that other hidden one. 仿佛我们脱离了人世来到了阴间。
- Hide one's talents in a napkin. 埋没自己的才能。
- borrow grass to express one?s emotion. ( 3)借草抒情。
- The factors which causing the negotiator"s emotion takes place are the variety numerous, and these factors cause different emotion in the different negotiator. 由于引起谈判者情绪发生变化的因素众多,且这些因素在不同的谈判者身上引起的情绪变化不一。
- Science disregards human s emotion and spirit world, while advocating objectivity and rationality, and that simple humanity tends to be of parochialism and extremeness. 自然科学在崇尚客观与理性的同时可能忽视物质世界以外的精神世界,而单纯的人文学也可能走向狭隘和极端化,自然科学与人文学应在互制互利下统一。
- The Rabbis taught in a Baraisa: AND I WILL DISTANCE THE HIDDEN ONE FROM YOU. 远离隐藏着是指隐藏在人心中的罪性。我要将它弃之荒野。就是一个无人可供它煽动的地方。
- One must have a thick hide to do such a thing. 厚脸皮的人才干得出这种事。
- The editor' s emotion includes not only the general feelings of huaman being but also the ehracteristics of being influenced and awaken, creative, purposeful, reasonable, non-self in the result. 编辑作为精神文化的生产和创造者,在编辑活动中所表现出来的学识、观点、认知水平、价值取向,并不完全是编辑自身认识上的直接结果,还有相当一部分受情感因素的影响。
- hide one's light and live in seclusion 韬晦隐居
- make merry to hide one's sorrows 以乐慆忧
- hide one's evil intentions behind one's smiles 笑里藏奸