- Through summing up the ceramsite hollow brick wall waterproofing process to improve the block wall autiseepage technical level is intrduced. 本文通过对陶粒空心砖外墙防水技术措施的总结,以促进小型砌块外墙防渗漏技术水平的提高。
- The demolition of hollow brick structure by multi point air coupling blasting is introduced. 介绍了采用多点空气耦合爆破拆除技术对空心砖结构实施定向爆破。
- The terracotta figures were found in a big vault,with a black brick floor, supported by column frames and covered by timber, reed mats and earth. 这许多兵马俑当初被放置在一个巨大的兵马俑坑中。下有青砖墁地,由立柱支起构架,上面密排棚木,再铺上芦席,加上封土。
- It is the ideal equipment for production of various hollow brick, shale, coal gangue and coal ash. 是生产各种空心砖及页岩、煤矸石、粉煤灰制砖的理想设备。
- Huanwen tower was seven hexagonal pavilions hollow brick tower, 19 meters high, the 1994 restoration. 焕文塔原为七级六角形楼阁式空心砖石塔,高19米,1994年重修。
- She crouches on the bare brick floor by the roof's edge, holding a mirror in one hand and a lipstick in another, using the light to make up. 她蹲在屋顶边缘光秃的砖地板上,一手拿著镜子,另一只手拿著唇膏,正利用那束光线化妆。
- Down on the brick floor of the University of Maryland's Davidge Hall, a noted professor of medicine is about to perform a most unusual postmortem. 在马里兰州立大学戴威基大厅里的砖铺地面上,一位著名的医学教授正准备进行一次最为不同寻常的尸检。
- The inventive hollow brick requires no external wall heat insulating engineering in the south owing to the low thermal conductivity and saved energy. 导热系数低、节约能源,在南方使用本发明的空心砖不需要作外墙保温工程。
- The terracotta figures were found in a big vault, with a black brick floor, supported by column frames and covered by timber, reed mats and earth. 这许多兵马俑当初被放置在一个巨大的兵马俑坑中。下有青砖墁地,由立柱支起构架,上面密排棚木,再铺上芦席,加上封土。
- Its Hard products is widely used as electric stove hearth sets in lab and wall,suspend ceiling brick,hollow brick,fire bulkhead muffle board,hot dozzle,nozzle etc. 硬质制品用作实验电炉全纤炉膛件及陶瓷窖用墙体、吊顶砖、孔砖、挡火隔焰板、保温帽、口、套等。
- The results show that multifunction concrete hollow brick with doublebank interleave blind holes causes to enhance the area of cohesion between brick and mortar and enlarge the shear area. 试验结果表明:多功能砌块采用了双排交错盲孔的孔型设计,提高了砌块和砂浆的有效粘结面积,大大增加了砌体剪切面积;砂浆的销栓作用有效的提高了砌体的抗剪强度;
- The main columns are policy, research on special topics, technology experience, hollow brick, discussion, building material utilization, standard and measurement, reader mailboxes etc. 主要栏目有:技术政策、专题研究、技术经验、空心砖、砌块与墙板、彩瓦与路砖、标准与监测、建筑应用、读者信箱、信息之窗等。
- All sorts of hollow bricks using the vacuum brick extruding press produced by our factory. 用我厂真空砖机生产的各种型号空心砖。
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- Production Mian Shaozhuan, hollow bricks, aerated concrete, block production line of professional equipment factory. 是生产免烧砖、空心砖、加气混凝土、砌块生产线设备的专业厂。
- All buildings in this housing development are made of hollow bricks, which are cheap and can protect the environment. 这个小区的所有楼房都是用空心砖建造的,既环保又便宜。
- terra cotta Block; hollow Brick; cavity Brick 空心砖
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。