- His humanness is honest and tolerant and frank, enthusiastic and cordial. 他为人忠厚老实,热情诚恳。
- The pure blue of the tourmaline radiates harmony. Perhaps it is for that reason that the gemstone therapists claim that a blue tourmaline makes people both honest and tolerant. 纯蓝的蓝色碧玺散发高度的和谐能量,也许这也是为什么,据传说:蓝色碧玺会带来自由开放与宽容。
- The Extraordinary. Charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody and capricious lover, honest and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment. 非凡的化身。生于此时的人魅力十足,凡事要求不高,非常善解人意,知道如何让人印象深刻,社会理想的积极奋斗人士,很受他人欢迎。但同时性格喜怒无常,是个反复无常的恋人。是一个诚实且不乏耐性的伙伴,拥有精准的判断力。
- The word of these lukewarm beauty by honest and tolerant when be being added on X2000 body with honest person, can't help letting a person want to numerate from which some of what. 但是,当“相当领先,别具一格,精典?这些温美之词被忠厚的同方人加在X2000身上时,不由得让人想从中读出些什么。
- honest and tolerant; sincere and kindly 忠厚
- We must be honest and faithful to the people. 我们对人民必须忠诚老实。
- He was an honest and incorruptible official. 他为官清廉。
- This person is honest and dependable. 这个人诚实可靠。
- I will warrant him an honest and reliable man . 我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。
- Patient and tolerant, may be wary of strangers. 有耐性和宽容,对陌生人警惕。
- An honest and happy pride I took in it. 我从中感到一种真正的、令人欣慰的骄傲。
- His philosophy was honest and simple. 他的哲学是诚实和直率。
- Lucidity has been honest and continued intention. 晓畅即是他忠实不渝的志趣。
- She is honest and sincere to John, really. 她确实对约翰是实心实意。
- The judge is an honest and upright official. 那位法官是个清官。
- He is an honest and frank official. 他是一位耿介之士。
- To be optimistic and tolerant t. Look more beautiful? 对生活要乐观、宽容。
- He is an honest and kind peasant. 他是一位厚道的农民。
- She was human and gay and tolerant and good-natured. 她富有人情味,喜欢寻快乐,为人宽厚,性子好。
- I'll warrant him an honest and reliable man. 我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。