- λ-mutantλ突变株
- λb2 mutantλb2突变体
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 微克gamma
- host是与hostess相对应的阳性名词。Host is the masculine noun for hostess.
- 微晶microlite
- 微星pint-size star
- Host-BaseHost-Base
- 微动jiggle
- 利用硝酸钾诱变棉花枯萎病菌,产生抗氯酸盐的硝酸盐营养突变株(nit mutant),9个菌株共诱发获得16个nit突变株,其中nit1占62.5%,nitM占25.0%,nit3(8)占12.5%。They produced 16 nitrate nonutilizing mutants on PSA media amended with 1.5%25KClO3.Among them,62.5%25 were of nit1,25.0%25 were of nitM,and 12.5%25 were of nit3(8).
- 微孔millipore
- Host-BasedHost-Based
- Host控制器Host-Controller
- 微球microballoon sphere
- 微距microspur
- Host-Parasitoid模型Host- Parasitoid system
- 微动开关MSW
- host (of parasite) (寄生物的)宿主