- Is Human Evolution Finally over? 人类进化结束了吗?
- Diversity of civilization is the source of human evolution. 文明的多样性是人类进化之源。
- Fit more easily into the picture of human evolution. 其含义为:人的进化没有以前认为的那样快。
- Let's face it, culture is dynamic. It evolves like human evolution. 如果我地要保留粤曲,系米一定要保留新光?
- In this sense, the Chicxulub crater is the crucible of human evolution. 从这个角度来说,奇虚乐陨石撞击事件可说是人类演化的推手。
- Flexibility in adaptation is the consistent message in ape and human evolution. 猿与人的演化史,一直以灵活的适应为主题。
- This is the definitive story of human evolution - told in a revolutionary way. 这是一个关于人类进化的颇具权威性的故事,以一种前所未有的方式向你娓娓道来。
- Accordingly, we began to ask what role melanin might play in human evolution. 于是,我们开始追问:黑色素究竟在人类演化史上扮演了什麽角色?
- As of late and due to human evolution, a clearer pathway is now perceived. 稍后由于人类进化,一条清晰的路径现在被觉察到。
- Random genetic drift has certainly played a big role in human evolution. 随机基因漂变对人类进化的作用的确巨大。
- It seems the whole story of human evolution will have to be rewritten. 经过这些发现,人类进化的历史是否需要重新改写?
- It is Nature that rules the karmic boards associated with human evolution. 正是大自然,管辖着与人类进化有关的业力之板。
- Incantation originated and developed almost concurrently with human evolution. 咒术的起源与人类的发展进化几乎同步;
- The discovery of many fossils there, especially Homo gracilis, has been of fundamental importance in the study of human evolution. 在这里发现的许多化石,特别人类下颚骨的发现,对研究人类进化产生了深远的影响。
- In the Stone Age have a Savage Garden, a hidden secret doors of human evolution. 在石器时代有个野人花园,其中隐藏着一道人类进化的秘门。
- Once everyone started imitating, the second replicator was let loose on the world, changing human evolution forever. 一旦每个人都会模仿,第二个复制子(迷因)就能在世上自由行动,从此人类演化进入了新的阶段。
- In the process of human evolution, Homo erectus emerged as a species with larger brain. 人科系统在演化过程中发展出脑子明显较大的一个物种-“直立人。”
- W. E. LeGros Clark, The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution, 3rd. ed., University of Chicago Press, 1978, pp. 2840. 关于这些谱系树的解释;参阅[意]卡瓦利-斯福扎:;乐俊河等译;[北京]科学出版社1998年版;第84;145-159等页.
- The use of fire, is a landmark initiative, greatly accelerated the pace of human evolution. 火的使用,堪称一项划时代的创举,大大加快了人类进化的步伐。
- We also assist in gathering the records of ancient human history to support human evolution. 我们也协助收集远古人类信息的记录,来支持人类提升。