- He is a humble and submissive servant. 他是个恭顺的仆人。
- The actress didn't think it is an easy job to play the part as melancholic and retiring. 那位女演员认为要将那一抑郁而缄默的角色演好并非易事。
- He is a very quiet and retiring person. 他是一位沉默寡言不爱交际的人。
- She must be humble and contrite. 她一定得卑躬屈节,自怨自艾。
- The lonely old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with solitaire. 那孤独的老妇人晚饭后至睡觉前以玩单人纸牌消磨时间。
- As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite. 至于平时,他总是低首下心,深自负疚的样子。
- And humble and gentle in victory. 在胜利中,仍能保持谦逊温和。
- He is a humble and submissive servant . 他是个恭顺的仆人。
- Keep your mind humble and open to new ideas. 保持谦虚的胸怀,乐于接受新事物。
- To be humble and eager to learn. 像小孩子一样的谦卑好学。
- These nations will be humble and teachable. 这些民是谦卑的也是可教的。
- Joe is a humble and self-effacing person and so automatically takes second place. 乔是个谦逊而不愿抛头露面的人,总是自动退居次要地位。
- Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring. 其自得其乐的作用常在于独处幽居之时;
- Try to be soft, humble and surrender, and you will see God better. 试着柔顺、谦虚、臣服,那你会更清楚看到上帝。
- These things help us to be humble and shield us from vainglory. 这些事都能帮助我们谦逊,保护我们不受虚荣之害。
- If we do, it's only right that we be humble and penitent. 要是犯了的话,最好还是要谦卑地进行忏悔。
- This is a rare combination: A king, yet humble and teachable. 这是一个鲜见的组合:一个谦逊受教的君王。
- My ambition is to make money and retire young. 我的志向是发财致富,年轻时就退休。
- The old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with knitting. 这个老太太在晚饭后到就寝前,编织毛线以消磨时光。
- The ladies took the cue and retired. 女士们明白那暗示,便退避了。