- They persistently stuck him with fund collection. 他们坚持把筹划基金的工作交给他做。
- The committee persistently stuck him with fund collection. 委员会老是派他去做收款的苦差事。
- If users have not paid all payment for goods , accept the goods in fact according to manufacturers the fund collect the commission pro rata. 如用户没支付全部货款,则根据制造商实收货款按比例收取佣金。
- According to the news on 10 June, 2009, the Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region Government lunched an executive meeting todiscuss the issue of coal price adjustment fund collection. 09年6月10日新闻,内蒙古自治区政府会议讨论将对在自治区内生产的煤炭企业征收价格调节基金。
- To disguise the source or nature of (illegal funds, for example) by channeling through an intermediate agent. 洗钱:通过中间代理人的渠道来隐藏(如非法资金的)来源或性质。
- To disguise the source or nature of illegal funds by channeling through an intermediate agent. 通过中间代理人来隐藏非法资金的来源或性质。
- To disguise the source or nature of(illegal funds, for example) by channeling through an intermediate agent. 洗钱通过中间代理人的渠道来隐藏(如非法资金的)来源或性质
- Realistically, nobody can guarantee that illegal funds, or funds destined for illegal purposes, will never pass through the local banking system. 事实上,无人可以保证来自不法来源或供作不法用途的资金绝对不会渗入本港的银行体系。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- mode of fund collection and payment 基金收支模式
- Although they manage to retrieve the money, the crooks turn on each other in bloody fashion and Murphy (who believes he's actually the illegitimate son of Elvis) makes off with the illegal funds. 然而,五大猫王突遭伏击,好不容易走上直升机,梅菲又欲独吞赃款,米高唯有先发制人掠走金钱,又被一女子丝比迷惑。
- How to Solve the Funds Collection Problems for the Private-owned Enterprises in Chongqing? 破解重庆民营企业融资难题?
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- It is reported that this fund collects the period obtained investor's high attention, the subscriber very enthusiastically, the release scale surpasses same time the market release average scale. 据悉,该基金募集期间得到了投资者的高度关注,认购十分踊跃,发行规模超过同期市场发行的平均规模。
- illegal funds flowing into the markets 违规资金入市
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承认他是非法移民。