- Department of Environment and Heritage. 澳大利亚环境与遗产部站点。
- Birds prefer such a kind of environment. 鸟类呢,特别喜欢这样的环境。
- Design sketch map of environment art II. 环艺设计构思草图2。
- The system is out of environment space. 系统环境空间不足。
- What kind of environment is preferable? 普洱茶适宜存放怎样的环境下呢?
- The influence of environment is indeterminate. 对环境的影响还不确定。
- Protection of environment is our responsibility. 保护环境是我们的职责。
- Their prosperity and their fatness mean the impoverishment of the country. 它们的兴盛和肥壮正是地方的贫瘠。
- Contrasts are a vital feature of environment design. 协调是环境设计的一个重要的特点。
- Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file. 在批处理文件中开始对本地环境特征进行修改。
- The impoverishment of his style is apparent when you contrast a recent painting with an old one. 将他最近的画兴旧作对比,他作画风格的贫乏无力是明显的。
- If you re in that sort of environment, congratulations! 如果您遇到的就是这种情况,祝贺您!
- The problem of environment and economy is a very important one. 环境与经济问题是我国社会经济发展过程中的一个十分重要的问题。
- Contrasts are a vital feature of environment design . 协调是环境设计的一个重要的特点。
- All of these results in competing demands for land and impoverishment of poorer groups whose land needs cannot be met. 所有这些导致对土地的竞争性需求,并导致那些土地需求无法得到满足的较贫穷群体更加穷困。
- Businesses operate in a number of environments. 商业的环境错综复杂。
- Once this happens the site is abandoned and the soil is exposed to sun and rain, resulting in erosion and further impoverishment of the soil. 如果土地就撂荒了;土壤直接暴露中日晒雨淋中;导致水土流失和土壤进一步贫瘠.
- The Soviet social safety net has been shredded, and articles about the woes and impoverishment of the Russian people could fill volumes. 前苏联的安全部门已然消失,描写俄罗斯人悲剧和贫困的文章已可编成数卷。
- The poorest are just as likely to choose to die at home rather than risk deeper impoverishment of their families by venturing into hospital. 贫穷的农民,则很可能只能选择呆在家里等死也不能冒去医院看病,因为这会使家庭陷入更深层次的贫困之中。