- It's never wise to take sides in someone else's family quarrel. 在别人的家庭纠纷中,袒护任何一方都很不明智。
- Regard for or interest in someone or something. 有关考虑或关心到某人或某事
- Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. 如果看到别人的工作有瑕疵还是圆滑一些好。
- I'd like a lift home in someone's car tonight. Anything doing? 我很想今晚搭乘某人的车回家,有门儿吗?
- Having faith in someone gives him self - confidence and pleasure. 对某人信任可以使他自信和愉快。
- It's never wise to take side in someone else's family quarrel. 在别人的家庭纠纷中,袒护任何一方都很不明智。
- It is never wise to take sides in someone else rs family quarrel. 在别人的家庭纠纷中,袒护任何一方都很不明智。
- Dr. Cameron: I do not have the right to show interest in someone? 难道我没有对某人感兴趣的权利吗?
- I will be nice. - No outward reveling in someone's pain. 我会友好的-不要把快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上。
- Now it is possible to study a child' s blood and tell if the child will develop diabetes. 现在有可能检查一个孩子的血液并断定这孩子会不会得糖尿
- Cameron: I don't have the right to show interest in someone? 难道我没有对某人感兴趣的权利吗?
- An autopsy report showed that Mr.Albrecht’s blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. 在验尸报告中显示,当时,阿布雷彻先生血液中的酒精含量是法律限制酒精含量的三倍之多。
- The gross concerns me in someone!Or good brothers in New appointee! 总于有人关心我啊!还是新人好兄弟!
- Stem cells from a donor are transfused into the patient’s blood after chemotherapy ends. 供体的(造血)干细胞在化疗结束后输入患者血液。
- Is always in someone else's story . Retention own tears. 总是在别人的故事中。保留自己的眼泪。
- A 47-year-old male had the habit of drinking uncooked fresh deer’s blood and unpasteurized deer’s milk. 在一次急性的腹痛造成他必须接受紧急剖腹手术,病理发现为结核性肠炎及结肠穿孔。
- Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person\'s blood pressure. 研究人员发现,与动物为伍能够降低人的血压。
- Finally: The cardiac arrest patient s blood serum LDL-C/HDL-C ratio remarkably elevates. 结果:心肌梗死病人的血清LDL-C/HDL-C比值显著升高。
- This could tempt some prying person to test other people’s blood samples without their knowledge or consent. 这种检测方法可能引诱某些多事者在未经他人知情或同意的情况下,来检测他人的血液样本。