- monokine inducible by γ-interferonγ干扰素诱生的单核因子
- 因为肺泡巨噬细胞表达丰富的诱生型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide,iNOS),是发生炎症的肺组织中NO的重要来源。Because alveolar macrophages (AMs) expressed an abundance of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and were important sources of NO in inflamed lung.
- 脑缺血组大鼠脑内神经元型NOS(neuronalNOS,nNOS)、内皮型NOS(endothelial NOS,eNOS)和诱导型NOS(inducible NOS,iNOS)在不同时间点的表达和分布。The expression and distribution of neuronal NOS (nNOS), endothelial NOS (eNOS) and inducible NOS(iNOS) at different time points.
- 目的探讨诱导型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS)和解偶联蛋白-2(uncoupling protein-2,UCP2)对大鼠心肌缺血预适应的保护机制。Objectives To investigate the effect of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and uncoupling protein 2(UCP2) on the heart of rat during ischemic preconditioning(IPC).
- 目的:观察糖尿病大鼠早期肾脏中一氧化氮(Nitric oxide,NO)含量和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(Inducible nitric oxide syn-thase,iNOS)活性变化,探讨NO/iNOS在糖尿病早期肾脏损害中的作用机制。Objective: This project is designed to observe the levels of nitric oxide(NO)and vitalities of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS)in the kidney of early period of diabetic rats,and to investigate the function of iNOS in injure of diabetic nephropathy(DN).
- 无火不生烟、无风不起浪