- 于at
- 沉溺于addict oneself to
- 哈里如此沉溺于喝酒,结果他会为一瓶威士忌而出卖灵魂的。Harry is so addicted to alcohol that he'd sell his soul for a bottle of whisky.
- 致力于commit oneself to
- 句意:孩子们是如此的沉溺于电脑,以致于电脑夏令营的领。The children become so involved with computers that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
- 放纵的,生活放荡的缺少道德限制;沉溺于性快乐或堕落中Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices.
- 雄心勃勃的男孩不会愚蠢到在损坏其学校学生利益的情况下沉溺于运动。Ambitious boy cannot be so foolish as to indulge in sports at the expense of their school student.
- 他沉溺于沉思冥想。He was buried in meditation.
- 沉溺于享乐to be surfeited with pleasure-seeking
- 他似乎沉溺于豪华的享乐中。He seemed to be wallowing in luxury.
- 沉溺于放荡的生活to hit the dissolute life
- 他沉溺于饮酒。He was besotted with drink.
- 过分沉溺于玩耍to overindulge one's fondness in playing
- 沉溺于幻想To indulge in fantasies.
- 奢侈的沉溺于淫荡奢华的Given to licentious and profligate luxury.
- 他正沉溺于爱情。He is enslaved by love.
- 不少海员因沉溺于酒以致妻儿一贫如洗。Many sailors drink their wives and children out of doors.
- 他沉溺于癖好中。He is obsessed by hobbies.
- 他们沉溺于酒色。They gave themselves up to debauchery
- 过分沉溺于某事To indulge in something to excess.